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Autumn's Perspective

After dozing off, my eyes landed on the guitar hanging on the wall—the same guitar Psydon used to serenade my mom and the twins, seeking permission from my dad to court me. I took it and began to strum and sing, letting the melodies fill the serene atmosphere.

No limit in the sky that I won't fall for you,

No amount of tears in my eyes that I won't cry for you.

With every breath that I take,

I want you to share that air with me.

There's no promise that I won't keep,

I climb the mountain, there's none too steep.

When it comes to you,

There's no crime; let's take both of our souls and intertwine.

When it comes to you,

Watch me speak from my heart when it comes to you,

Comes to you.

Want you to share that

When it comes to you...

The lyrics echoed through the empty gazebo, carrying the weight of memories shared with Psydon. As I sang, I felt a connection to him, a thread that transcended time and space.

I was about to continue singing when my phone rang, breaking the musical reverie. Glancing at the screen, I saw my twin calling. "Yes?" I asked. "Where are you, Noona? It's already 10 in the evening; come home, please," he said. "Oh, okay," I replied absentmindedly, realizing how late it had become. I couldn't believe that I had been lost in Psydon's world since breakfast; time seemed to slip away. I stood up, returned the guitar to its place, and bid Psydon farewell.

"Psydon, I need to go. Don't worry; I'll come back for you. When did I leave you, anyway? Hehe, I'm leaving now. Be good, my Psydon. Saranghaeyo!" I said, then exited. The caretaker headed towards the gazebo as I left.

"Ma'am, I thought you already left. You've been there for quite some time. Did you have lunch?" he asked. I shook my head, lost in thoughts. "Young people nowadays. Never mind, go home, ma'am. It's already late. I'll just clean the gazebo of Young Master Santos. Take care on your way home," he bid farewell. I nodded, expressing my gratitude.

On my way home, a feeling of relief washed over me as I pressed the car radio button. Suddenly, a bright light from another car rushed towards me. Overwhelmed with panic, I swerved the steering wheel, but it still hit the back of my car and collided with the side of a large truck. The world seemed to spin as I looked around, the car swaying violently. Gradually, pain seeped through the shattered glass on my face and arms. I closed my eyes, trying to endure the pain. Memories of the past accident, the one that took Psydon away from me, flooded my mind. Was this my chance to see him again? Would I be reunited with Psydon? If so, I would gladly accept it. Psydon, we'll meet again. Wait for me.

As I closed my eyes, the flowing blood covered my face, shielding me from the world.

"What happened?"

"Is she still alive?"

"Call an ambulance quickly!"

"Poor thing."

I heard snippets of conversations around me. In confusion, I opened my eyes, and the chaotic scene unfolded before me.

"She still has a pulse," said a man holding my wrist. In utter bewilderment, I stood up, supporting myself while facing away from them and their commotion. In front of me, people rushed towards the chaos. I turned around, and to my horror, I saw myself lying on the road, unconscious, covered in wounds, and drenched in my own blood. I sat down, overwhelmed, and covered my mouth to stifle my cries. Was all of this real? Am I dead?

Suddenly, a cold voice spoke behind me. "Come with me. Your journey in Hades awaits," it said. I shivered and panicked as I realized whose voice it was. I knew him. It was that same voice, that cold tone of the man I loved. Without hesitation, I turned around, and to my immense surprise, there he was, standing in front of me. He returned. Psydon.

"Psydon," I uttered his name as if in disbelief. "Psydon Khene Santos," I said his full name, but he remained motionless. I approached, ready to embrace him, but he suddenly sat down, wincing in pain. "PSYDON!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? PSYDON!" I screamed as he winced in pain.

The world around us shifted, and I found myself in a desolate landscape. Dark clouds loomed overhead, and an eerie glow enveloped everything. It was Hades. Psydon and I stood together, caught between the realms of the living and the dead.

As I looked at Psydon, I realized that this was not the reunion I had imagined. The mysteries of Hades beckoned, and our journey into the unknown had just begun. Psydon and I, bound by love and fate, faced the enigmatic challenges that lay ahead. Little did we know that the threads of our intertwined destinies would lead us to revelations beyond our wildest imaginations.

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