chapter 34

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We been walking for a long time and we were stop something block our path, Hmph looks like the only way through is by force said Morag. Poppi, incendiary barrage! said Tora, Roger roger! said Poppi.

Whoa stop stop stop! You wanna bring the whole cave down on top of us? asked Zeke. It was joke said Tora, Poppi has no such weaponry said Poppi, now that was funny i said. That wasn't funny! and you too y/n said Zeke.

Then Pyra core on Rex chest start to glow and open an path, okay... that new i said. Does this also have something to do with your connection to the Aegis? asked Morag, no idea, but look! No footprints. We're the first people here said Rex.

Then there could still be hope said Zeke, we walk long way again and as we were walk, I look back to see Nia not walking steady. Nia i shouted as i stop her, my lady! Are you all right? asked Dromarch.

Nia... Hey... You don't look so steady, careful! Fall down there, you'll never hit the bottom! said Rex. You must be sick of saving me by now, eh? asked Nia, y/n save you this time said Rex, that right and Don't be silly i said.

Don't push yourself, you can rest up a little longer said Brighid, it's even tougher for you though. I'm telling you, I'm fine said Nia, alright i said, After my sister died, it wasn't long before my da died too said Nia.

Huh? said Rex, I'm finsihing my story. Dromarch was all I had left to remember him, we started wandering together. Or maybe I should say "running" said Nia, running? asked Rex as i heard her too.

From who? People your dad owed money to? asked Rex, No, from the praetorium said Nia. What? Why? asid Rex, Praetorium! i said, well... It's a long story. I felt like...the whole world was against us said Nia.

There was nothing we could do but stay on the run, taking each day as it came. Just...thankful for each sunrise, prayin' we'd see another said Nia, whoa said Rex as i was shock. Then I met Jin, he... He took me in said Nia.

So that's why you and Jin... said Rex, In Jin, I saw a way out, y'know? I didn't see a future for myself on my own, so I threw my lot in with him, but... said Nia. I can't see it said Rex, What? asked Nia.

You're not the kind of person to worry about stuff like that said Rex, well, I wasn't worried, as such said Nia. So, anyway, why the story? asked Rex, I dunno, I was just rambling said Nia, look, I don't know what's burdening you, Nia, but... You shouldn't be afraid said Rex.

Afraid? asked Nia, Of whatever it is, stay true to your feelings, even if it means fighting tooth and claw. That's who you are, right? asked Rex, what the hell? I'm not some violent goon- said Nia. I think you know what I mean said Rex.

What the-?! said Nia, Ha ha ha. There we go, that's the Nia I know said Rex, the know? asked Nia. Not far now, Let's get going said Rex as he walk by us. Nia...? i asked, yes y/n? asked Nia, no matter what happened... I will protect you and the other, you, Morag and Bright i care about i said.

Even if my core stop working, I still find a way to protect you and the other i said as i follow Rex.


We enter the a room, Rex-Rex, it's dead end! said Tora. then Rex look to see an seal, that seal... It's the same as the one on the ship said Rex. We got surrounded by shadow like beings, Who? Or what? asked Brighid.

Hey! Watch out there, Rex! shouted Gramps, as we fight them and it a long fight with them and one of them, knock me back to the ground. Nia shouted y/n as he launch one of the shadow being at the wall one who attack me. 

Then another shadow stab y/n in back and miss his core, really now! said y/n as he to attack the one behind him but then two more stab both of his arms and he can't use his arms because the two shadow keep him at bay and Rex get hurt too.

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