chapter 29

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We head for Pyra and about to fight more of the Tantalese soldiers but a lighting attack hit them, I know who did that. Zeke! Pandoria! i said, oh, what? We came all this way to bust you out! How inconsiderate! said Zeke.

You kept us waiting! Won't you get in trouble for helping us? I asked, Eh, I'm the prodigal son anyhow. It can't get any worse said Zeke, where's Pyra? i asked. This way, follow us said Pandoria as we follow them.

As we run down the path and i felt pain, ow-ow-ow-ow-ow... i said. you all right? asked Zeke, i'm fine, it's just a scratch i said. Honestly though, chum, are you ever NOT getting scratched up? asked Zeke.

Ever since Pyra gave me half her life force and we swore to reach Elysium, things have been rough. But... I'm actually glad, they feel like a sign of...our bond, I guess? Something special we share, as Driver and Blade i said.

We fight more Tantalese soldiers and then we head to the room where Pyra was, the ether accelerator! said Zeke as we enter the room. The what now? asked Nia, it's a weapon from long ago... designed to use Genbu's ether energy for destruction said Zeke.

I never dreamed they'd fully restore it... My old man... He's gonna use it to Kill Pyra! No matter how strong she is, there'd be no coming back from that! said Zeke. In that case...we can't let him use it! i said as we started to fight them.

We fight more Tantalese soldiers and more started to show up, Argh...! There's too many of them! i said. Hurry, or Pyra's toast! said Zeke, I know that! It's just- i said, forgive me... said Eulogimenos as he told one of his soldier to fire.

Dammit! Pyra!!! I shouted, I won't let you...! said Zeke as he attack it. Oh no said y/n, it's not enough! said Zeke, Poppi Activate QT mode! Lift up from below! said Tora. Understood, Masterpon! said Poppi as turn into her second form and started to lift up.

Do it! Poppiiii!!! shouted Tora, Heeeeave...! Hoooo! said Poppi as she move the weapon upward and it miss Pyra. It missed?! They did it, Rex! They stopped it! said Nia, yeah! i said as Zeke free Pyra.

Pyra! i said as she was okay, five hundred years... For five hundred years, we Tantalese have concealed the Omega Fetter... Do you know why? Our old homeland, Torna, was destroyed inthe Aegis war said Eulogimenos.

Our hero, Addam, also failed to return... You must understand, old Torna as a country was united around the Hero. But our ancestors, less so... said Eulogimenos as he told us more. What're you saying? That we're not Addam's bloodline? asked Zeke. 

Precisely, in Torna, our family were just a cadet branch. We only gained our current position in the confusion of the war's aftermath said Eulogimenos, but then...we're just a bunch of usurpers! said Zeke.

They were desperate times, we had no choice, the nation must continue at all costs said Eulogimenos. Even if it meant claiming Addam's name? asked Zeke, with its guiding fore gone, much blood was spilled in Torna said Eulogimenos.

We did what had to be done to reunite it under the new banner of Tantal... said Eulogimenos, legends of the hero who saved the world are deeply ingrained in people's hearts... And you used them for your own political agenda? asked Morag.

Even so, all was done in the name of saving the world from burning once more said Eulogimenos. Don't you dare try and sugercoat it, short story is, they saw an opportunity to gain influence, and they took it! said Zeke.

That is the way of the world said Eulogimenos, Mor Ardain could easily take a similar path said Brighid. Yes...we are in no position to condemn them outright said Morag, so did this Addam guy really never return? asked Nia.

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