chapter 18

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As we were walk the Old Industrial District and we heard the voice, we saw two persons we meet before. So, we meet again, Aegis! said Zeke, oh, it's Shellhead said Nia, good one, Nia said y/n. Yes! Wait, who's "Shellhead"?! said Zeke.

As ever, your comic timing is exquisite said Dromarch, you will address me as Zeke von Genbu, Btiger of Chaos! Or Zeke! Or THE ZEKENATOR! said Zeke. Make your mind up, and what the hell is a Zekenator, anyway? asked Nia.

Hah! You may have been lucky last time, thanks to a certain unstable cliff... But this time round we meet on good old terra firma! If you think you run fromme a second time, you are quite mistaken! said Zeke.

Nobody did any running... And anyway, Shellhead? asked Nia. What? answer Zeke, you answer to that now? asked Pandoria. I've been wondering for a while now...but what's with the cutesy eyepatch? asked Nia.

Heh... I'm quite glad you asked, this eyepatch conceals a power too great for mere mortals to comperhend... The Eye of Shining Justice! I am sworn to keep it sealed until its power is needed to save mankind said Zeke.

You should count yourselves lucky, it would turn you to ash in seconds! said Zeke. Whatever you say, pal said Nia, he definitely isn't wearing it because he didn't have the gold for a second contact lens said Pandoria.

How poor are you?! And are you THAT short-sighted?! said Nia, by the by, what business might you have with us today? asked Dromarch. Are you thick? I'm here for the Aegis, obviously! said Zeka.

Listen, pal. I'm sorry, but we really don't have time to play with you today, so hurry on home, OK? asked Nia. What's this? Were you so fiightened by our power that you wet yourself, furry-ears? asked Zeke.

Did I WHAT? You've got a lotta nerve, you one-eyed monster! said Nia as we all heard it. uh oh said y/n, N...Nia? You do know "one-eyed monster" usually means- i said, Huh?! Means what?! said Nia.

Um... It's ah... Mythra, why are you blushing? i asked, shut up! said Mythra as she slap me in the face and we start fighting Zeke and Pandoria. We fight them for a bit until we knock him far back from us.

You guys are even tougher than last time! However, your luck ends right here. Here we go! Bringer of Chaos! Ultimate Lighting Fury Slash...MAX! shouted Zeke, you miss again said y/n, come on! That was the same as last time! said Nia.

As we felt the ground shaking and then we look up to see a big rock, it's heading for Zeke and Pandoria. P-Pandy! Can't you do something?! said Zeke, Sorrysorrysorry! You know my element's lighting! I'm not cut out for this! said Pandoria as the rock hit them and sent them flying.

S...seriously, though, what's their problem? I asked, Ugh, what idiots, C'mon! said Nia as we back what we were doing. then we at the door of the Old Industrial District, this must be the abandoned factory we were told about i said.

Dadapon and Lila inside here! said Tora, it seems likely, yes said Gramps. Door is stubborn! Not opening! said Poppi, I guess the security isn't a complete pushover said Nia as y/n check to find any weak point. Nope, there is no weak point on this door said y/n.

Search for different way in! No point standing around! Hurry- hurry! said Tora, yeah, let's have a look around said Nia. Could we perhaps enter through that window? asked Dromarch, we'd need to find a way up there first... said Mythra.

Time for exploring then! said Tora as we find a path for us to take and Tora found a ladder key to the ladder we have found.


We use the ladder and enter the building to find out someone still using it, are all of these artificial Blades...?! said Rex. Then Dadapon really be... said Tora, Hmmm... What exactly are they planning here? Well whatever it is, it can't be good... said Gramps.

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