chapter 21

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in the morning and we are at the entrance, OK, time to move out! i said. See you soon, Rex! said Kirk, you take care now, and keep yourself out of trouble, Azurda! said Corinne. Ah, you know me, I prefer the quiet life said Gramps.

Thank you for everything said Pyra, Pyra, dear - I don't know what you've been through before... But you should know you're alone anymore, Rex is a strong boy. You can depend on him, whenever and wherever you need him said Corinne.

...I know, I'll try said Pyra, Huh? What was all that about? I asked. Nothing at all, right? asked Pyra, Nothing for your ears, Rex, you just concentrate on what you're doing, work hard, and do your best! said Corinne.

Sure, I will i said as we leave my hometown, how did you find it, visiting your hometown after so long? asked Fan. I was surprised how much the kids had grown, but apart from that, it was all just how I rememebered. Which is nice i said.

Anyway, I'm all rested up and raring to go! I'm ready to lead the way to the port I said, thank you very much, Master Rex said Fan. Well, it's not like it's very far, It's just on the next island over. ome on, let's get going i said.

As we walk to the next Island and we meet up with two people, Finally, you took your sweet time said Zeke. ...You're the... said Morag, hey, shellhead! said Nia, hey said Zeke. You just don't give up, do you? C'mon out of the way i said.

More like stubborn leech than turtle said Tora, your right Tora said y/n. Hah, this time i'm here for something a little bit different said Zeke, ugh, what's that supposed to mean? I asked. I want to see just how good you are, chum said Zeke.

I've been waiting here for three whole days already! said Zeke, three days? Seriously? You know what, no thanks, I don't pick on idiots said Nia. Well then, fight me and we'll see who's the idiot! said Zeke.

How did you know that we'd be here...? i asked, I'll tell you...if you can beat me! You want to join the fun too? asked Zeke. No, you all go ahead said Morag, Morag? asked y/n, Huh? Why? asked Rex.

 What a shame! Looks like the Illustrious Flamebringer won't be helping you this time said Zeke, thanks for the concern and all, but maybe you should be worrying about youself. Big tree to your right, big rock to your left, and a cliff right behind you said Nia.

Which one's gonna get you this time, eh? asked Nia, not today, furry ears, check this said Zeke as launch himself at us with lighting speed and launch us in the air for a bit then we land to the ground.

What the- said Nia, well? Feel like taking me seriously yet, hmm? asked Zeke. S-so strong... said Tora, what the... How'd he do that? asked Nia, okay now that hurt said y/n. Thunderbolt Zeke, Tantal's most powerful Driver...and its Crown Prince said Morag.

Crown Prince of...Tantal?! said Nia, this guy?! said Rex. It is quite the rare opportunity to see his...swordsmanship first-hand said Morag, Now this is more like it. Ooh, come on, yeah! Keep it coming! said Zeke as Brighid cover Fan face with her hand.

That's it? That's all I get?! Ugh, fine ...Anyway. Ready to concede defeat to the Zekenator? asked Zeke. As if! We're only just warming up, you ponpous arse! i said, I'm right with you. Let's show him what we got! said Pyra.

Hahaha, yessss! Let's see if the Aegis is worth the hype! said Zeke, not before I will beat your arse for the way you acting to Morag, Brighid and Fan said y/n as we started fighting him.


We battle Zeke and Pandoria, we beat him and Rex launch Zeke into the wood rail. Not bad, chum said Zeke, right back at you, Impressive! Didn't think I'd ever see another Driver and Blade on Morag and Brighid's level.. said Rex.

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