chapter 32

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Are you all right to be up and about? asked King Eulogimenos, Yeah... I'm all healed up i said. Sincere apologies, if I hadn't attempted to destroy the Aegis, they would never have... said King Eulogimenos.

If you'd done nothing, they'd have come for her anyway, you're not to blame, your Majesty, It' fault i said. Five hundred years ago... This kingdom was rent in twain, some follow Addam, who sought to live with Blades and Titans as equals said King Eulogimenos.

Others opposed him, preferring to consider humans as the masters and Titans as our tools. When Addam returned to the ether, his rivals seized power. Leveraging the power of the Omega Fetter, they declared themselves... said King Eulogimenos.

The Tantalese royal dynasty said King Eulogimenos, claiming they were the hero Addam's descendants i said. Precisely, my ancestors merely used the name of the beloved Addam in order to win over the people said King Eulogimenos.

Before long, we resolved to protect our selves from meddlesome foreigners, by descending deep into the Cloud Sea. Taking the dirty secret of our family's lineage with us, The Praetorium, for their part, did not protest, cam you guess why? asked King Eulogimenos.

No i said, they offered to stay silent in exchange for a certain resource... An annual tribut... comprising a fixed quantity of Core Chips, I have something I wish to show you said King Eulogimenos.

What is it? i asked as a wall moving down,  what the... said y/n. What IS this? i asked. This is Genbu's ether flow, the titan draws in the fabric of the Cloud Sea and used it as a source of energy said King Eulogimenos.

This energy flows throughout the Titan's body in the form of ether, Refining and crystallizing this ether creats Core Chips. This process is what you see before you said King Eulogimenos, so in other words, you're siphoning away a portion of the Titan's energy said Morag.

Our cold climate and poor harvests - they are the unfortunate side effects of this process said King Eulogimenos. I think I'm beginning to understand... said Dromarch, Core Chips are vital to every nation's military and energy policies said King Eulogimenos.

The Praetorium desired this power said King Eulogimenos, how come? asked Nia. Alrest at the time was in crisis, but for the Praetorium, it was a precious chance to expand their sphere of influence said King Eulogimenos.

So they...muscled in said Nia, as a result, Tantal fell into a chronic energy shortage, then... well, you saw for yourselves. Near-frozen earth, failing crops, the Tantalese people are forced to live in abject poverty said King Eulogimenos.

So why not just leave the Cloud Sea? Genbu can move, right? just go somewhere warmer said Nia. They fear conact with other nations, too afraid it might expose the truth behind the legends they spun about Addam said Morag.

That would explain their isolationism said Dromarch, Indeed, that was five centuries ago. Now the Aegis has awakened, the Praetorium is demanding we hand over the Omega Fetter. They are threatening to reveal our secret if we do not acquiesce said King Eulogimenos.

Indol are threatening you?! i said, I get it now, That's what was in that letter said Zeke. Enough was enough! I couldn't stand by and let the Tantalese people suffer any longer, Therefore, I made a decision said King Eulogimenos.

And that's why you- i said, yes, I knew there was a chance that the Praetorium would use the Aegis against us. But if I could neutralize her power, perhaps we would stand a chance of opposing them said King Eulogimenos.

And perhaps by saving my people from poverty, I could absolve the sins of my forefathers said King Eulogimenos. You didn't think about using the Aegis's power yourself? asked Nia, Wielding such power is beyond my means said King Eulogimenos.

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