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(WARNING this chapter contains make out scenes)

I sat on the counter with my head held high, determined to play him like a fiddle. I crossed my legs which caused the shirt to ride up even higher, the fabric nuzzling into the crook where my hips meet my thighs. His eyes examined my every dip, groove, and curve and he let out a deep sigh. "Something the matter?" I asked innocently. "You seem a bit..." I trailed off and grabbed the back of his neck, yanking him towards me in a swift tug. "Fragile." I finish.

It's killing him. And it's obvious. He's so close to snapping, I can see it in his eyes. "You look as though one wrong touch from me would drive you, insane. Is that true Pan?" I saw it happen. The break in his eyes. Although I didn't get to revel in it long because the minute it happened it happened he grabbed my face and smashed his lips onto mine. 

It was a hungry, aggressive, passionate kiss that seemed to last forever. The distance between us closed and he was now pressed against me between my legs, kissing me greedily and holding me down by my thighs as if I were to try and run. Every sense I have is telling me I should. That I should push away, run, scream, cry, anything. But my muscles get a mind of their own when he gets close, and I can't seem to pull away or stop.

His hands travel up and down my thighs, around my waist to my lower back. And before I know it I'm being carried away from the counter.

Oh god.


She's a drug. She has to be. It must be her siren charms or something because as much as I wanted to wait for this to happen, I just can't stop. My arms and legs move on their own accord, picking her up from the counter and wrapping her legs around my waist, my hands traveling down to her ass. My lips never once leave hers as I walk over to my bed and lay her down underneath me. I climb over her as her tongue dances with mine in a way I've never felt before.

I have to do something with this tension, but I won't take her tonight. No, not now, not like this. She does however need to understand that the only one doing the teasing is me.

 I'll show her.


Our tongues twirl and twist and dance and touch, and it's unlike anything I've ever felt before. Yes I'm a temptress, but I've also never gone so far as to give myself to a man before. I mean, come on, I didn't even have a proper sex until I started walking around on land, which was not that long ago! Sure I'm experienced when it comes to my tongue, but everything else?? Nearly clueless. 

And although I want to slap myself for it, I'm not so opposed to the idea of Pan being the one to take me. He's very clearly experienced here, imagine what he can do with everything else. I'm lying underneath him, the most vulnerable I've ever been to a man. It feels strange, foreign almost. I've always been in control, then again I've only ever dealt with selfish greedy men on the docks that would do laughing for his own pleasure.

Something tells me, Pan isn't like that.

His hands move from my waist to my wrists, gripping one in each hand and lifting them slowly above my head. They reached the pillow that lay above me and it took only one of his hands to keep both of mine in place. He stopped kissing me only for a moment, and it was only then that I realized how much air I needed. The rapid rise and fall of both of our chests was louder than anything. But my thoughts broke the silence.

"Why'd you stop?" It was only after I had said it that I realized I said it out loud. Ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshit, his eyes reached from the floor and back up to my face, locking with mine while staring up at me through his eyebrows. The smug expression he always wore returned, and his mouth curled up into a smirk. "Why, did you not want me to, darling?" He asked in a cocky manner.

I avoided his eyes at all costs and looked at anything but him, I would get up if I could. But the task proves difficult when my wrists are pinned down and he's ON TOP OF ME. "hey." He said in a low, demanding tone. "Look at me. Nothing else." I continued to look away until I heard a frustrated sigh leave his lips. His free hand grabbed my jaw roughly and turned it quickly to face him.

His lips collided with mine once again, and his hand held my jaw in place. I can assure you, I'm not going anywhere. His lips took over, and mine no longer had room to move. They couldn't keep up. They traveled down to my jaw, then under my ear, then to my neck where he left small bite marks but never hickeys. His freehand reached under my shirt and ran up my torso until it reached my bra.

My breath shook, and my chest heaved, trying to predict his next move. His fingers dragged across the hemming under my breasts and tickled the skin beneath. He then used both hands to grab the bottom of the shirt and pull it over my head, causing our lips to separate for only a few seconds before reconnecting.

My hands found their way to his body, tracing up and down his arms and slowly caressing his shoulders that were covered in scars. He threw the shirt on the floor and he pulled away for one second, to flick his wrist at the door, locking it without getting up. In the few seconds that he was looking at the door, my lips had driven themselves to his neck.

Sucking, squeezing, kissing, and chewing I worked at his neck leaving small red marks yet never hickeys, as he had given me. His hand grabbed my throat, not roughly but enough to know that I should stop whatever I'm doing. So I stopped and looked up at him innocently, seeing the state he was in, hell it looked like he might just fuck me with his eyes.

He looked back at me with lust fueled frustration. His grip on my throat got tighter, never enough to hurt or cause my air supply to falter. "I thought this had become obvious by now, but it clearly hasn't so let me just throw it out there,"

"I'm the only one doing the teasing angel, if I want hickeys you'll know."

~*SIRENS*~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang