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Lilith's POV

That was the one fight I was never prepared for. The war between Sirens, and Pirates. We were much more powerful, I'll have you know.

There were just too many of them... and on that dreary, December, day, every last one of my siren sisters were killed. Being the queen of the siren seas has never been easy, we gain people, we lose people.

That's just how it works, but never would I have guessed that I would lose all of my sisters, my friends, my people... in a matter of hours.

I watched as they ripped the celestial voices of my siren sisters from their throats,




Until I was the only left siren, in all the realms. I have sworn to murder every pirate that ever will live near my waters, just like they did to me, and I'm going to enjoy it. I believe those pirates confused us with creatures much different from us, Mermaids.

Mermaids being the terribly cursed ones, with roughly scaled faces, and sharp pupils in their yellow burning eyes. They were nasty creatures, and would lead you to your death in minutes. The sirens were the exact opposite, being beautiful, lovely creatures. From the aqua blue eyes that most have, all with the same sparkle of kindness, to our shimmering scales that work magic in the ocean waters, but most beautiful of all, The privilege of getting to hear a siren song, it's angelic and can make the most haunted man, forget all of his worries. However, when used in such a way, a siren's voice can be the most hypnotically beautiful, yet deadly weapon in all the seven seas.

After the war between sirens and pirates, I found out that before my mother died, she granted me the power to be able to walk on land during the night, but only for a short while. I used that power for vengeance, and might I say, it was easier than expected. I would swim to the shore and appear in a beautiful blue dress with a detailed corset and a dark blue cloak, after emerging out of the ocean waters. I must say, it was very fitting. After all, blue is a siren's color.

I soon found a pub near the docks, where I found every single one of those pirates that killed my kingdom

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I soon found a pub near the docks, where I found every single one of those pirates that killed my kingdom. So each day, I returned to the pub and sang the very same song.

I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue  

And it's hey, to the star-board, heave-ho 

Look out, lad, a mermaid be waiting for you 

In mysterious fathoms below

Fathoms below, below

From whence wayward westerlies blow      

Where triton is king, and the merpeople sing 

In mysterious fathoms below

And soon, one by one those sailors were 'disappearing'

What was I really doing? Well, every night I would lure one away, and drown him in the nearby lake where no one ever went. Soon half of the ships crew was gone, but before I could finish off the captain, they escaped. Those dirty pirates don't deserve a place on this earth, not after what they did to me. What they did to my people, and these people I swore to protect, I made that promise on my coronation day. The day after the death of my mother,

Ursula, the goddess of the sea

Yeah yeah, she's my mom, but a really shitty one at that. She neglected me all the time, including the fact that one of the most powerful sirens in the kingdom, probably in all the realms. And considering the fact that sirens are already some of THE MOST powerful creatures in all the realms, that's saying a lot.

I know who my father is, but I do not dare speak of him. "He left for a reason" I always tell myself that. He left his only child to become the queen of the sea alone, and teach her nothing about ruling a kingdom, or in his case a whole realm. My mother was killed by a terrible poison that our doctors could not heal, the only cure was on land and well, that's kind of a problem when you're half fish. What is this poison you ask? Dreamshade. 

A nasty poison that kills as soon as it reaches the victim's heart. My mother got too close to the shore, and nicked herself with a thorn from the plant. At least she apologized right before she died, she told me that I am to become a great queen one day, and she gave me one last gift on her death bed. Her favorite pair of golden earrings, but these were no ordinary earrings, no no, the stones in them shimmered of blue and pink and they hang perfectly, only slightly below my ears. The stones were made of mermaid tears, a symbol of rivalry between the two species. She said they were to be of great help to me one day, whatever that means.

Fifteen hundred years ago, before I could even process what was going on, the waters were no longer blue

But red.

Everything was red. I heard screams of sirens and pirates all around me and my sisters trying to fight for their kingdom, for what was rightfully theirs. And they were dying, all of them, dying. My last royal guard, Ariel, got me to a cavern below sea level and assured me that we would win. "It's ok my queen, we will be alright." She said in such a calming tone that I wanted to curl up in her arms and never let go. "Please Ariel, let me help, my magic is stronger than any, I can protect you-" She cut me off with a hand over my mouth "Your majesty, I promise you, we will survive this," she slowly removed the hand from my mouth, "but I need you to stay here, even if we don't survive, it is you that needs to carry on the legacy of the sirens, no one else." I slowly nodded and kissed the top of her head, her cherry red hair getting entangled in mine. "Ariel, please be okay after this. I made you my head guard for a reason. You're like my little sister, I cannot lose you!"

"It's alright, I'll be alright."

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