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When he did attempt to touch me, I caught his hand in the act, grabbing him by the wrist and throwing it away from my body. I could still feel his eyes on me after that and it was hard to tell if his gaze was of anger or lust. Probably a mix of the two. I hung out with Devin and Charlie for most of the day and by the time the sun had started to set it was freezing. "I'm going to go grab my cloak, okay?" They both nodded "Do you want us to come with you?" Charlie asked beginning to get up. "No, I'll be okay. Thanks though!" I said as I was walking off.

I headed up the stairs to Pan's cabin and began to search for my fuzzy, black cloak. I found it lying on top of a chest tucked away in the corner of the room, so I grabbed it and threw it on as I was walking out. I swore I heard rustling in the bushes below me, but I'm sure I'm just hearing things. My feet hit the soil and I was almost back to camp, with Charlie and Devin in sight, when someone grabbed me from behind. 

One hand latched firmly around my torso, and the other was over my mouth preventing me from making any noise whatsoever. "A pretty girl all to myself? Now that's what I'm talking about." I knew the voice, it was Preston. 'Oh hell no' I thought to myself before grabbing his arm and using all the strength I had to claw at his skin with my nails, forcing him to let go of me who he was left with bleeding claw marks.

I took the opportunity I had and sprinted back to camp as he ran after me, shouting slurs in pain. I burst through the bushes and the music stopped, all heads turned to look at me and Preston followed closely behind me. Charlie and Devin shot up from their seats, rushing to my side. "Lili!! Oh my god are you okay?! Did he touch you?!" They asked rapidly. "Oh me? Im fine! But he's not." I said proudly and I watched as all the eyes went from my face, to his deep and painful gashes implanted on his arms.

 I saw Pan sitting in the corner, rage displayed on his face. 'I'll deal with his attitude later' I turned back to Preston and saw the panic in his eyes when everyone took my side almost instantly. "You should be heavily punished!" I heard someone yell as he flinched. "Yeah, Pan ought to chew you out and leave you to the mermaids!" Another boy called out. "Aww, no need for all that," I said sweetly as I slowly walked towards him. "I understand why you did what you did. And theres no need for them to give you a punishment!" I said as I brushed his cheek with my hand.

Every lost boy there was amazed at my reaction, expecting me to be fuming with rage, or scared out of my mind. "I can fuck you up just fine myself."

My smile fell and I landed a solid punch to his jaw, causing him to fall back and hit the ground. I heard my audience gasp and some snickered here and there. I yanked him up by his collar to face me. "You should really learn some respect, boy." I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

And with that, I threw him back on the ground and shoved his face down into the dirt with my foot. The heels on my shoes were enough to cut his cheek and leave him bleeding, again. I lifted my shoe and watched the boy I front of me. Salty tears were streaming down his face, mixing with the flesh and blood that was hanging out of his body. He looked like he was trying to seem tough, but with his bottom lip quivering at the mere sight of me he seemed frail compared to me.

"Get up." I demanded standing tall as the lost boys watched in awe. He stood from the ground, holding his cheek and trembling like a doe in front of a predator. "I suggest you scram before I change my mind." I spoke as I watched him nod and run off. After only a few seconds of silence, all of the lost boys began whooping and cheering. I got applause and smiles from each and every one of them. Even the ones who didn't seem to like me.

I saw Charlie and Devin in the back, stuck behind the swarming crowd of boys. Charlie was jumping up and down throwing thumbs-up in the air, while Devin simply gave a proud, soft smile and clapped. I have to admit, I did kinda do it to put on a show but he deserved it anyways. Although I enjoyed the praise that I was getting from all the lost boys, there was one person who I couldn't find. Pan. As soon as I saw the lost boys pride in what I did, I thought that maybe it would encourage him to back off a bit. Show him how strong I was, But where is he?...


My eyes followed Preston as he ran away in fear. I promised myself that I would applaud Lili later, perhaps even give her my kind of praise... But I'm positive the lost boys will make SURE she knows how badass she just was. I began to storm towards him, as he hid in the medical tent away from camp. "Preston." I said, my words dripping with hate. He shot up from the floor and brought his arms to his sides. "Y-yes Pan?" I crossed my arms and looked at him with all the hate and anger I could dig up.

"What the hell was that you just pulled." I spoke in a low, strong voice, emphasizing the curse word. "I-I really don't know what got into m-me. I apologize." This boy looked like he was on the verge of tears. "What gave you the idea that you could do whatever you please?" I said trying to appear calm. "I-I didn't s-sir." He stuttered. "Well you must have had the thought! I mean, something had to give you the audacity to touch something of mine!" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "s-sir?" I gave an exaggerated sigh, "let me elaborate, she's mine and therefore I am the only one allowed to touch her." I spoke. "Do I make myself clear?" 

A single drop slid down his face as more threatened to fall, "y-yes s-s-sir." He trembled. "If you ever do anything like that ever again, I'll make what she did look like Childs play. Got it?" He nodded and I shooed him off, watching him scurry back to his camp as he finally let the tears fall. Only now did I acknowledge the loud cheering coming from the bonfire, although there was no question about what it was for. 

Lilith'S POV

I watched as Pan walked out of the medic tent mere seconds after I saw Preston sprinting out in fear. 'I wonder what that's all about...' my thoughts whispered. I was awaken from my thoughts when I heard pan whistle for the boys, and suddenly they all froze. "Boys! we have a big day of training tomorrow, I believe it's best if you all got a good nights sleep." They all let out a sigh as they began to walk to their tents. "But," Pan suddenly called out. " I can't help but feel as though Lilith here needs a bit more praise." he walked over to me as the lost boys began shouting again. 

"Well darling, I certainly wasn't expecting that out of you." he spoke. "Never underestimate a siren." I looked up at him to find that he was staring. "Come, I want to show you something." He stepped forward and held out his hand for me to take. At first I hesitated, but hey, what's the worst that could happen? 

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