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As my heavy eyelids began to pull themselves open, I heard the familiar sounds of birds nesting in the trees, and the only thing I smelled was foresty pine. When my eyes were fully open they were met with wooden bars a few inches in front of me. My surroundings set in and I realized I was in a cage. I attempted to sit up by pushing on the bottom of this small box, but I found this task to be difficult. I looked down and saw violet and blue scales looking back at me instead of legs.

WHY DO I HAVE MY TAIL AND NOT MY LEGS?! My thoughts screamed. I frantically brought my fingers to my ears and felt that I was missing my earrings. I pushed myself up into a sitting position, calmed myself down and looked around the outside of the cage as best I could. All I saw was forest, no signs of people. 'Might as well get comfortable, I'm probably going to be here a while'

After 15 about minutes of sitting I remembered the note that sat in the pocket of my cloak that I had discovered on Hook's ship. I reached in my cloak and pulled out the small piece of parchment that was damaged and smudged yet still somehow readable.



I just wanted to thank the Captain of the ship for taking my most generous offer. (Your payment will be waiting for you when you return) I just truly could not STAND being around such a monster everyday of my life. She was a disgusting reminder of what creatures live in our world as well as other realms. I'm so glad Lilith will be dealt with, and I'm sure that the mermaids will do the best that anyone can. Creatures like her do not deserve to walk the land with us. (p.s. don't forget to take her earrings and a few scales as trophies)

 As my eyes scanned over the last sentence my tears were already staining the page and fully ruining the letters that stood. I had let every wall that I had down for her, and she only reminded me of why I built them in the first place. In that moment every wonderful memory I had with her flashed through my brain like a play in a theater. It was all fake. She hated me.

I quietly sobbed and held my face in my hands with the letter sitting in my lap being soaked by my river of tears. I viciously ripped the paper to shreds but couldn't hold my stance for more than 2 seconds before I broke down again.

After 30 minutes of crying, my eyes were sore and my throat was dry, but the tears had come to a stop. I felt more angry than sad now, but the heavy feeling still lingered inside of me. I leaned my head against the bars and closed my eyes when I heard footsteps approaching my cage. 

I decided to continue my 'asleep' act to see if I could figure out who it was. The footsteps were heavy and sounded like leather shoes. They approached the cage and a familiar English accent came into play. "I know you're not asleep, so don't bother with that darling." I had already given up the act but I kept my eyes closed and I let out a very obviously frustrated sigh. I heard him chuckle and I just knew that the smirk he wore so well was pressed across his face.

"Stubborn, are we? Well I'd like you to know that if you answer my very few questions then I might just let you out." His footsteps grew closer "as long as you're willing to behave of course." I didn't move a muscle and simply replied "Then I guess I'm not getting out anytime soon." I shrugged. I opened my eye just enough for him not to notice, but I couldn't miss the priceless look of anger and frustration on his face.

"Fine then" he spoke up as I slowly opened my eyes and gave him the most infuriatingly innocent look. "You don't want to come out?! Fine! Stay in there for the rest of eternity, I couldn't care less! But.." he grabbed my face from a gap in between the bars making me let out a small cry of pain and held my jaw with such strength, forcing me to look up at him. "you will answer my questions, or I'll just have to have my shadow rip yours into oblivion, and I can tell you right now, it's not pleasant."

~*SIRENS*~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum