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"I'm,....uh......" He shifted his body to one side and crossed his arms while staring at the ground. "I'm sorry that happened to you..." He spoke. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "Which event are we talking about, specifically cause I've had aloooooot of shit happen to me." I said quietly with a hint of sarcasm. He looked at me like he was completely and totally done with my attitude, which I wouldn't blame him if he was.

He massaged the bridge of his nose and looked at the ground before saying "Right then, come on. We're going back to camp." He took my hand and levitated down to the forest floor expecting me to follow him when he began to walk away, but nonetheless, I did not. He stopped when he didn't hear my following footsteps and turned my way, with an expression of pure anger. "I really don't have much of a choice now do I?" I asked.

 "It's either that or I literally will throw you over my shoulder and carry you to camp." I felt like this was the perfect opportunity to get on his nerves. "Hmmm," I pretended to ponder for a moment. "Don't you dare test me Lilith.." he said, his words drenched in darkness. "Do I really want to go with you though?" I wondered. "Oh right! I don't! So I guess I'll just stay he-" I was immediately cut off by being picked up and flung over someone's shoulder.

'Damn, he really wasn't joking was he.' I started pounding on his upper back as hard as I could when we started walking in an attempt to make him let go. "Do you REALLY want to be thrown in the cage again?!" He explained. "No.." I knew he was much more powerful when it came to physical strength, so what was the point in trying and wasting my energy. He let out an annoyed sigh and continued walking.

 I knew it was going to be a ways back and surprisingly, I was pretty comfy on his shoulder. So what did I do? I fell asleep. And even though it embarrassed me and I knew I could very well I could wake up and be strung to a tree, it was better than running on zero energy. As much as I hate to admit it, it was...the best I've slept in a while. I just barley was waken up by the movement of him taking me off of his shoulder, and carrying me in his arms instead. I once again, did not see gain in protesting, so I stayed quiet.

I knew for a fact that I was vulnerable because I was asleep in the hands of my enemy, but somehow...someway I didn't feel threatened. I felt safe almost, like I was being carried by the most vicious monster in all the realms who's solemn duty was to protect me? That makes no sense, I'm probably just imagining all of that crap.

Pan's POV

I looked at her heavy eyelids that held shut so she could be whisked away into a deep, dark, sleep. 'What is this girl doing to me?!' I thought to myself. If it was anyone else I'd just flog them over my shoulder and call it a day, but this is no ordinary girl, this is the girl that's destined to break my curse...


Lilith's POV

My eyes fluttered open and were met with a bright sun that blocked my vision. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes as I gained my consciousness. I looked around at a wooden treehouse, the bed sat in the left corner of the room with a desk to my right along with a wardrobe

A single window sat in between the desk and the wardrobe that seemed to be the only light source other than the unlit lantern that sat on the desk. I felt movement next to my leg and I whipped my head around to see another figure sleeping next to me. He was shirtless and his chestnut brown hair was messy, and all over the place. 'Pan sleeps with bracelets on?' I thought as I questioned the thin, leather ties that sat on his wrists. 

I must have zoned out, because next thing I know, sleeping Pan's eyes were wide open and fixated on me. "Like what you see?" He chuckled. I felt my face get hot and flush red, I immediately turned my head away from him in embarrassment, laying down and pulling the blanket over my face. "No need to be embarrassed princess, you're pretty cute when you sleep too." He reached his hand over me to brush my hair out of my face,but before he could touch me I grabbed his wrist mid air and held my grip tight as I responded to his statement.

"Don't. Touch Me." I said my words laced with venom. He let out a dark chuckle and just looked me in the eye for what felt like forever. "Your a feisty one aren't you," he said as a smirk stretched across his face. "I like it." I jumped up out of bed and stormed out of the treehouse. I didn't know where I was going, nor what I was doing. I only knew that I didn't want to look at his stupid, cocky, infuriatingly attractive, face.

The sun was only just rising when I walked out and began to descend down the spiral stairs, so I couldn't see much. But that's wasn't an issue, because I didn't get far. I felt a pair of big, strong arms wrap around my body and snatch me back into the treehouse. He shoved me up against the nearest wall and my eyes finally opened. He had one of his arms on each side of my body, pressing against the wall and I could feel his breath down my neck. My face got hot and I knew it was red, but even so, I tried to suppress it.

"Why?" He said in a quiet tone. "What?" I asked in confusion. "Why. Why are you so desperate to leave Neverland?!" His voice raised. "Why do you so desperately want to return to that place of betrayal, and hatred?!" He was yelling now. "PLEASE, EXPLAIN TO ME WHY YOU WANT TO GO BACK TO A PLACE WHERE EVERYONE HATES YOU" the room went silent and all that could be heard was Pan's hard breathing. I leaned into his face until our noses were almost touching, and I whispered "so I can drown every last fucker who dared to hurt me."

His breathing stopped and he let go of my wrists. I stood there as I watched him examine my face with his eyes. "I knew there was a reason I liked you..." he mumbled. "Go change and head outside. Get used to camp. Socialize, or whatever." He started to walk off. "And if I don't?" He froze and simply peeked his head over his shoulder. "Then you'll face the punishments, darling." My face dropped as I heard his footsteps descending down the staircase.

Even though I no longer had the cuff that restricted my powers, I didn't see the point in fighting. So I did what he said and changed my clothes from the blue dress I always loved, to a dark green dress that blended in with the trees that surrounded me.

 So I did what he said and changed my clothes from the blue dress I always loved, to a dark green dress that blended in with the trees that surrounded me

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I slipped on my shoes and stepped out the door. I looked over the camp and observed carefully before I threw myself to the sharks. 'These boys probably haven't seen a female in decades' I thought to myself preparing for the worst. I let out a deep sigh and started down the stairs. The minute I reached the last one I was out of breath, and at least 10 of the 20 boys who were in front of me were staring. Some were passing whispers, some just in shock.

But there was one that stood out from the rest for no particular reason, except for he seemed to be very closed off from everyone else. A boy swinging in a hammock, with scruffy blonde hair and scars running up his hands. He has a club thrown over his shoulder and he was glaring at me like I killed his entire family. But before I could approach anyone, people approached me.

"Hey there!" One boy called out to me. He was only a bit taller than me, and had fluffy red hair. "My name's Charlie! Pleasure to meet ya!" He bounced up and down and held out a hand for me to shake, which I took. Another boy, slightly bulkier and with black hair walked up and introduced himself as Devin. These two boys were particularly sweet, although there were others. 

One of the boys, who's name I now know as Preston, was strangely...'fond' of me if you will. Of course, as I said earlier I expected it out of teenage boys who probably haven't seen a girl in ages. He winked at me multiple times and I caught him staring at certain areas of my body, which he also eventually attempted to touch. And I am not a woman to disrespect in such a way.. 

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