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Oh shit.

I only watched in horror as the crowd of men poured off the ship and started charging towards me. Pitchforks, torches, pistols, knives, spears, you name it! They had every weapon under the sun pointed at me.

no, no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO

I had never felt this scared in my whole 300 years of living. I couldn't use my powers after all, or that would just prove exactly what they thought about me. That I was a monster. I needed Marian, I needed my best friend, my big sister, the only person I had left. "MARIAN!!" I cried "MARIAN PLEASE HELP ME!" I was running straight to the pub until about 5 men blocked the door with their heavy duty weapons.

"Going somewhere?" 

One of them sneered. I was on the verge of tears now, running and screaming for help. The 5 men started chasing me and one violently grabbed my wrist and tugged me back towards him. A ball of blue energy formed in my hands and I saw the fear in the man's eyes. I saw from the corner of my eye, a wave come from the shore and engulf him in raging waters. The water pulled at him, dragging him under the sea and holding him there until the air bubbles stopped surfacing. I had never seen that happen before. I knew of my hypnotic abilities but those were the only powers I knew I had. Now I'm even more scared than before.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god,"

I kept repeating to myself in a low whisper. I saw a man on the Deck dive in after him. They hoisted him up to land and began to pound on his chest. "HE'S BREATHING" Someone yelled from the limp body of the man. 'Oh thank god I didn't kill him' I thought in relief

I mean, to be honest I wouldn't have cared. He should not have put his hands on me. If he knew what I was, then he knew what he was getting himself into.

I slowly turned my head and glared daggers at the two men sitting on the sidelines. They both stuttered out profanities and ran for their lives dropping their weapons. I relaxed my body and the ball of energy went away. I looked around to see some men still wanting to chase me. I might not know hoe to control these new abilities, but they don't need to know that.

I looked back and realized that the men were now much closer than they had been. I whipped my body around ready to run, but I guess I had let my guard down. Because next thing I know I feel a sharp, metallic, pain on the back of my head. And everything went black.


I woke up and fluttered my eyes open to see only black even though I was sure my eyes were open. 'There's a potato sack on your head Lilith' my subconscious whispered. I tried to move but realized that my hands and feet were both bound together with rope. Not only that but my hands were also bound to a wooden pole that sat behind me. I started squirming finally realizing my situation and wondering why I wasn't dead yet.

 "Well, look who's finally awake." A deep, English accent spoke. The bag was ripped off my head leaving my hair in shambles. I attempted to glare at the man standing in front of me, however I was only squinting as my eyes adjusted to the light and he gave a low chuckle at my attempt of intimidation.

 He was tall, with jet black hair, dressed in (mostly) leather, and strangely enough had a hook for a left hand. "Feisty, are we?" He said with a grin. "You know, you will be awfully useful when we get to our destination, little lady." He crouched down in front of me and looked me dead in the eyes. I was still staring at him because I was so frustrated with the situation I was in. Not only was I just kidnapped but by a PIRATE!

His cheeky grin faded when his eyes met my cheek, he got up and gestured to one of the other men standing around us. "You! Get me the first-aid on board, she's our guest, and I will not have our guest injured." The man nodded and hurried below deck before their leader crouched down in front of me again. That was when I finally acknowledged the stinging sensation on my right cheek. It felt cold and deep, I must have gotten cut by one of the men's swords. Stupid pirates.

"Why am I here?" I asked while exploring the ship with my eyes. He let out a long sigh and rolled his eyes before answering with one small statement. "I need your help." 

It caught me off guard and came as quite a shock. "I don't suppose It's normal to kidnap the people you need help from, is it?" I replied with an attitude. He scratched the back of his head and replied "Yeah about that," and cut free my hands with his hook. "Better?" 

"Very much thank you." I said as I rubbed my wrists and watched him cut my ankles loose as well. "So why do you need help from a random girl who you know is a 'dangerous creature'  who you also kidnapped?" I said as I attempted to stand up which ended in a wobbly lean against the pole. "Listen," he started. "I need to locate a certain plant on this island, Dreamshade. And as no one who actually lives here can be trusted, I needed someone else, and a spell led me to you. So can you help me, or shall we have you walk the plank?" 

"Hostile I see," I replied "And yeah I know a little bit about it, I suppose I could identify it if I saw it. But what's in it for me?" He rolled his eyes again. "I'll take you home, and I'll tell everyone in your town that you being a siren was a mistake. I'll tell them that we got the wrong girl, something like that. Deal?" He stuck out his hand and after slight consideration I shook it. I'll do anything to go back, to go back home.

"Alright well, I might as well introduce you to the crew." He pointed to a man next to him who was wearing a red crocheted beanie and a shirt that seemed to be too small for him. "This is my right hand man, Smee" As I walked around and met more of the men I have to admit, I wasnt thrilled about the idea of being on a ship for who knows how long, but I guess it can't be that bad...


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