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"Oh fuck..."

I whispered under my breath. Pan just stood there and looked at me as I felt the top of my ears light on fire, along with my cheeks that were burning a bright pink. "No." He rasped. "I'm not alright." He looked down at my steaming face and smirked. "Oh. Uhm.." I stuttered. My arms instinctively went to my shoulders to hug myself in an attempt to cover my body. 'I've never been this nervous before..Why am I nervous?!?' My thoughts roared.

His eyes undressed me further, making their way further and further down my body until they met with the wound at my side that was oozing with flesh and blood. His smirk slowly faded into a blank state and he turned back to the medical kit to grab bandages and disinfectant. 

He walked over to me and ordered me to stand up so he could bandage my wound. He took my elbow in his hand and slowly lifted my arm, making sure not to cause any pain. He was either staring at my wound or my face the entire time because I swear he looked through my soul with some of those eye contact moments.

He poured disinfectant on my open wound and I let out a small hiss of pain  because of the stinging it caused. His eyes shifted from my injury to my eyes and moved his other hand from my elbow to my right hand. "It's going to sting for a while, you can squeeze as hard as you need to." He said blankly. 

He continued to pour the stinging liquid over the tear in my side and I squeezed his hand so hard my knuckles turned a ghostly white. It felt like my left side was on fire that was melting my skin away. He finally stopped but the pain just wouldn't go away. It must have gone a lot deeper than I thought.

I felt my eyes swell and tears started to cloud my vision due to the pain. A drop slid down my cheek and I frantically shook my head in an attempt to get rid of it, but it just kept falling further and further. I looked down at my feet in an attempt to hide my current state, but Pan made that incredibly difficult when he tilted my head up to look at him.

He stared into my glassy eyes for a moment and brushed the tear off my chin as more started to fall. He pulled me in a warm embrace that made the tears slow down and the pain go away. "It's alright love, already know how strong you are. You don't have to hold back tears just to prove that to me." He spoke softly while he stroked my hair. I didn't even have enough energy to wrap my arms around him and hug him back, it hurt too much to move.

He understood and pulled my balled up fists to his chest, wrapping me in another long hug. We stayed like that for a minute or two and although I was extremely embarrassed, the pain was just too much to bear. But it wasn't just that pain. For some reason when I cried, it felt like the first time I had cried in years and everything that hurt me came rushing back.


               My sisters...

                                      Those men at the harbor calling me a monster...

All of it.

Once again, I don't know why that happened, but I think it had something to do with the way Pan hugged me.. it was the first time I felt safe since my last day in the enchanted forest. 'Nonononono!' My thoughts scolded. 'We're supposed to hate him! Remember?!' I quickly wiped my tears and suppressed my emotions which were pouring out at an alarming rate. Pan released me and looked at me with worry. "Can you just put bandages on it now." I demanded. 

He nodded softly but kept the same blank stare the entire time. He picked up the roll of gauze and placed one end in the middle of my stomach. He had to get on one knee to reach me properly, and he began wrapping the roll around my torso, painfully slow. Every time he reached  around my stomach his body got alarmingly close to mine. 

Every time it did my heart fluttered and my cheeks lit up. Every so often, he would look up at me and catch me staring at the slightly awkward position we were in. Once he was done, he stood back up with a hand on my left side, holding the bandages in place. He secured them with a piece of medical tape but his hand never left my body. His eyes explored my body again with more detail this time.

His eyes followed every dip and curve, and with every inch his eyes got darker..and darker...and darker with lust. His curious eyes finally made their way back up to my face and they were no longer a bright and playful green, they were a dark and mischievous forest green that resembled the dark jungle here on the island. I stared at those eyes for a moment and our bodies got closer..our faces got closer... our lips got closer....

And right as I felt mine brush with his, and he had both hands on my waist, there was a loud and startling bang on the door that seemed to shake the whole tree house. We jumped apart and his eyes somewhat brightened, but not much because now they are filled with anger and frustration. "Put your shirt back on, no one sees you like this." He demanded.

My face held slight surprise but I did as I was told and put on the first shirt I could find which happened to be Pan's  from the previous day. Although he didn't notice because he was already occupied with storming over to the door. He grabbed the door knob and I hopped into the bed, covering my self with the blankets in an attempt to hide myself.

"What do you want Felix." Pan spoke sternly, it almost scared me and I sort of flinched. I didn't hear what they said after that but I didn't think it was good because Pan slammed the door so hard that it knocked over a cup that was on the table. I took off the blankets and watched as Pan frantically searched for his weapons which were sitting on the floor next to me.

"Pan" I spoke and he looked up in a state of rush. I held up his knives and he smiled a little, he walked over to the side of the bed and finally noticed what shirt I was wearing. He looked down at the clothing and laughed a bit. "I thought I said your shirt, not mine." He said as he sheathed his knives on his belt. I looked down at the shirt that hung off of my body because it was so big and realized who it belonged to. 

"Oh, uhm-" I stuttered as I began to take the shirt off. He placed his hand on mine and stopped me. "If it's comfortable, you're more than welcome to wear it. If it's not, I'll give you any one of mine you like." He smirked, and started making his way towards the door. "besides, you're awfully cute in my clothes." And with that, he shut the front door and he was gone.

I didn't know where he was going but frankly I was too tired to care. I laid down in my right side and turned off the oil lamp that sat next to me on the nightstand. With that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep thinking about the strange exchange I just had with Peter Pan. 

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