'Is this where they shipped out the Zanathum?' He questioned. 'Where did it all go?'

An armored boot came into view, aimed directly for Zaius's stomach. As he braced for the devastating impact, a red chain whipped around Rhug's foot and pulled him off-balance. The Kunar howled in frustration.

"You have to get your head in the game!" Kirrik yelled at Zaius, Kanutic chain rippling back to his hand.

Zaius popped himself up and took a breath, channeling his Kanushin into the gauntlets. Kirrik was right. Rhug seemed ready to rip them apart. Zaius reared his arm back and pushed all of his energy into his right hand. The gauntlet hissed and clicked as it absorbed it and pressurized. All he needed was one hit with everything he could give.

Zaius sprinted toward Rhug and jumped, thrusting his punch forward. The latter held out his hand and absorbed the punch in his palm with an explosive crack. Lightning shot out in every direction as Zaius' Kanushin shattered into a cascading wave of green.

'There's no way,' Zaius panicked as Rhug's free hand swatted him away a second later. The hard sting sent shockwaves across every muscle of his body. He flew into a nearby pillar and felt his body crash against it. He fell, winded and limp, to the ground.

Blood trickled across his forehead and down his left cheek, followed by the searing pain of a fresh cut. He looked up, unable to move, as Kirrik pulled his pistol and fired round after round. Each one bounced off of Rhug like grains of sand against a boulder. Kirrik whipped his chain toward Rhug again, wrapping it around his arm. Zaius tried to stop him but the words couldn't form in his throat. Rhug laughed, a low grumble that sounded like a ship's engine turning over, and yanked his arm back. The force lifted Kirrik off of his feet and Rhug used the momentum to swing him into the wall. Kirrik let out a yelp of pain and his Kanutic chain broke apart.

Rhug stomped over to Zaius, eyeing his prey. Zaius tried to move, but his body had given out. Sweat stung his eyes and his mind felt woozy. Rhug grabbed the back of his jacket, hoisted him up and shook him violently. Zaius braced himself as best as he could, but Rhug's strength was unparalleled. The beast of a fighter let out another laugh and pulled Zaius close to his face.

"Crush good," Rhug mocked. "Tiny, worthless human. Will splat in hand."

Kirrik poked his head out from behind Rhug's shoulder, his blonde hair disheveled and covered with grime. "Do you really think I'm a one-trick pony? Sorry about this, Z!"

Before Zaius could react, Kirrik formed two crimson Kanutic disks across his hands and slammed them against Rhug's head. The blow emitted a high-pitch frequency that screeched through the air like a choir of banshees. Zaius felt his eardrums pop and his stomach churn as he and Rhug dropped to the ground, gripping their heads. A devastating pain ricocheted through Zaius' brain and he slumped over onto the ground. His body refused to give any more.

Rhug shook his head and stood, wobbling. Kirrik jumped back in surprise and dissolved the disks. The two had thrown everything they could at Rhug, and it still wasn't enough. Zaius thought about Diah and Imi, hopeful that they were faring better.

"My turn," Rhug roared.


Diah clashed her blade against Areshia's, sparks of white and purple lighting up the dark of the upper walkway. Each blow hit a little harder as the two women put their all into every swing and swipe. Diah connected, her rapier sizzling against Areshia's left arm blade. The Ixr swung at Diah, aiming for a cut across the stomach, but she pulled back just enough for the blade to graze her. It was a vicious dance between a battle of wills. Areshia slung her arms in a downward motion in an attempt to catch Diah off-guard, but the Chyl slid out from under the move as Areshia sliced into the walkway's railing.

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