Chapter 10: Long and Trusting Journey (5)

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When he comes to, the back of his head feels heavy and his back feels like it's been hit a bunch of times. 'The hell happened?' the green haired swordsman thinks. A sudden and quick realization comes to find him when he can't talk. His mouth is blocked by something, preventing him from speaking. His vision is also quite blurry. Maybe it's because his head hurts... He has to blink a few times in order to see properly. When he straightens himself up, some voices can be heard, but he can't make out what they're saying just yet. There's a ringing in his ears preventing him from understanding anything. A man next to him seems to be talking to someone off to his left that Zoro can't see. When the man turns to him, his mouth moves before smiling. Zoro stares on in a confused haze. He can't really see what the man looks like nor can he hear what he's saying. Zoro hums in confusion.

"You're from that Straw Hat crew, aren't you?" an older voice repeats, but the green haired swordsman can't hear him.

Zoro hums in confusion. His ears are still ringing. When his ears finally stop ringing, he turns to face the old man again.

"Let me guess. They put you in here because you look like that? Or," the man with long white hair ponders, "you're really valuable....hmm, maybe in strength?" the man questions with a slight head tilt. He takes a flask out of his clock and takes a swig before closing up the cap and putting it back. Some guy unlocks the cage and takes out some young man kicking and screaming. Zoro feels a little sick seeing that. Just where is he? What is this place?

Zoro can make out the words a little more now. He doesn't think he's valuable by any means-wait....he has a bounty on his head though. It's not that high, mind you.... He is quite strong too, but after ThrillerBark. His strength has depleted by a lot. He's been healing since then, slowly mind you. A lot slower then he's used to. Maybe it's because he didn't slow himself to heal properly after his fight with Mihawk. An odd wheezing type sound can be heard every time he breathes, but he's gotten used to it by now. He's not gonna tell the little doctor about it, he doesn't want to worry the little reindeer even more then he already is about the topic at hand. Regarding his injuries of course.

Zoro goes to speak, but remembering that something's in his mouth preventing him from speaking, he just hums instead.

"Here." The old man takes off the muzzle with ease using some type of power. The metal muzzle drops to the ground with a loud thud. No one seems to notice nor do they seem like they care enough to. The giant however does glance into their direction. Another person is taken out of the cage.

Zoro wipes his mouth from saliva on his shoulder the best he can. He can't use his hands because they're chained up to the wall behind him.
"They're sea stone cuffs. I'm guessing by your reaction that you're not a devil fruit user or else you'd be really weak by now," the man says with a chuckle.
"Wha-what? How did-Wait. Can you repeat what you said earlier. I couldn't really hear you," the green haired swordsman admits.
The old man chuckles, "I asked if you were with the Straw hat crew."
Zoro feels his face heating up with embarrassment. Luckily for him, the room everyone's held in is dim.
"I am. What of it?"
"Just wondering...." The man trails off with his words. He almost looks like he's smirking in a way, but that could also be Zoro's imagination. He was hit pretty hard on the back of the head earlier. Something he doesn't exactly remember the details of clearly.

Zoro turns back to facing the bars of the large cage they're in. They're far away from his gasp. This room is pretty big now that he looks around more. There's a lot more people in here then he originally thought. He looks up behind him to see a number over his head. 20. He then looks up at his left wrist. There's a barcode or some kind of thing burned into his skin. He winces slightly before looking over to his left, he sees a large glass container with water in it. Zoro's eyes stop on a short, green haired female mermaid. "Camie?" he mumbles out, looking directly at the large fish bowl. The old man turns to the young swordsman with an interested look and then looks back to the mermaid.

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