Chapter 12: Long and Trusting Journey (7)

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The next little while stays the same.

Perona mainly stays in her room, but occasionally comes out to see how the green haired swordsman is doing or mainly just to change up his bandages and complain about how he should be resting. She sounds just like Chopper. After refusing to get some rest, Perona smacks the green haired swordsman on the head. They end up quietly talking about Perona's old crew somehow. "Moria, he found me and gave me a home.... I was on my own, barely alive. He helped me and gave me hope. Something I hadn't had in a very long time.... I owed him my life, that's why I stuck with him. I had nowhere else to go...and besides. He wasn't that bad of a guy."
"Hmm," Zoro only hums. Perona shakes her head in disbelief. He wasn't even listening. He was, but he can disagree about the last thing she said.

The pink haired girl opens her mouth but can't get a word out before they hear a slam from downstairs. A door was shut with so much force, it seems like to shook the entire castle.

"He's back earlier then I thought," she mumbles, placing the first aid kit back together and closing the small box with two small


The two then hear footsteps approaching the door. It swings open and there stands Mihawk covered in blood. They both stare in utter shock at his appearance. "I've seen your first aid skills on the young swordsman. Help me out with something, please?" he asks, slightly bowing his head. They both never expected him to ask her like that.
'He seems desperate. Why? What happened?' Zoro thinks as he stays cross legged on the bed.
"Um, where's your-"
"Not me."

This seems to silence them further.

'Who's downstairs?' the green haired swordsman thinks, slightly looking down. He can sense that there's another presence in the castle. They're wounded and fading rather quickly. He looks back up to them.

She nods her head and they head out of Zoro's room, leaving him to wonder what the absolute hell is going on. As he lays down he glances out the window, it looks cold and windy outside. This places seems prone to many storms, greattttttt...... It's the sound that the storms make that he doesn't like. They're loud and scary to watch or even think about. It hurts his sensitive hearing. In a sense you can compare him to a dog. You blow one of those whistles and he can hear it. He'll never admit that he's afraid of loud sounds to anyone, mind you. He would rather die before that. Enough being made fun of. Zoro lays down in the bed and covers himself with a thick blanket before letting out a long sigh. He slowly finds himself drifting off as the wind dies down for a moment. Thankfully Perona was able to finish changing his bandages before Mihawk came in.


A loud rumble causes him to shake awake violently. He wasn't even asleep yet. Loud sounds and heights have never really been his fortay. Heights are for another story though....

He sits up and decides to peer out his window. As he looks around outside a large branch hits the side of the castle and the window to Zoro's room. He flinches harshly enough to send him flying backwards. Not off of the bed though. He shakily lays back down wishing that he was back with his crew. Even when they'd hit a bad storm, Zoro felt comfort in knowing that he had trusted people around him. It's just the fact of knowing which helped guide him through many terrifying situations. But now, he's all alone, on an island with a ghost girl and the greatest swordsman in the world and whoever is downstairs. 'Pathetic....' he calls himself in his head as he wraps himself in his blanket and burrows his face into it. Hopefully, these blankets will keep him safe...

He eventually drifts off as his body gets warmer under the thick blanket.


"....or.....Zoro....Idiot, wake up!" a female voice shouts front behind him.

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