Chapter 8: Long and Trusting Journey (3)

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[Authors Note: This chapter is kind of creepy. Kinda being more then creepy. If you feel uneasy or uncomfortable reading. You can just skip the chapter altogether. I like writing creepy stuff, so there's more of this in future chapters if you like it!]

When the green haired swordsman comes to, he hears the mention of a swordsman. Opening his eyes he feels his mouth being stretched. He takes out the chopsticks out of his mouth as his boot falls off of his head. The other two wake up and Luffy ends up falling forwards, even though he's on a chair, face first.


"Owe~" Luffy groans as he hits the floor face first.

Zoro rolls his eyes and helps his captain to his feet feeling a little shaken for some reason. His legs tremble and struggle to hold up his frame. There's a dropping feeling in his stomach and suddenly things are getting cloudy-foggy.

The cook stands up, cracking his back, he then looks over to the navigator. "Nami-swan~ Are you alright? There's no need to worry over me," he coos sweetly ignoring Luffy who was on the floor.

Zoro, suddenly feeling nauseous and anxious, pushes past everyone and runs outside of the galley for the railing to vomit out what he's had that day over it over the railing. Most of it gets in the water.... Sinking to the deck, he covers his mouth feeling a little shaky and sickly. It stomach hurts from his insides contorting from his vomit session. His ears are ringing, so he doesn't hear it when someone approaches behind him. A gentle hand to his shoulder makes him flinch with a slight gasp.

"You alright?" Luffy asks in a hushed voice for only the swordsman to hear. Zoro nods his head. He doesn't really know what was said, but he knows it's Luffy. He may heave asked if he was okay? Zoro will never know. Luffy knows he's lying, but he doesn't press on.

They all make a unanimous decision to go back to the ship island to get their shadows back. They need them to continue their journey. Luffy loudly declares it for everyone to hear. Just then, a loud booming voice intervenes on their conversation. Zoro focuses his gaze on the giant corpse walking by the castle. "Hat! Hat! Hat!" it chants. Brook shows up with a smile and a plan. Not that he has skin to smile with. The green haired swordsman nods and walks with them....

"Go left."

Never mind.

"Huh?" Zoro wonders, "they got lost again," he makes up an excuse he knows is false. It was Kitetsu again. It's always that damned demon messing with him. His hunger pains are only getting worse and worse. He isn't sure he's be able to keep any food down without blood first.

The green haired swordsman blinks again and somehow he's inside the castle. He needs to stop zoning out like this... Franky and a Brook are here too. The shipwright is holding onto the skeleton on the floor. He looks injured-somehow more then a skeleton can look. Zoro pads over and steps in when he sees an opponent charging towards the two on the ground. He stops the attack from this undead samurai. Their swords clash with one another and Zoro stares into the skeleton's eye sockets. Zoro now comes face to face with the samurai in the white, red, and dark blue yukata. He freezes looking at the red symbols on the yukata. A feeling of daja-vu hits him hard. He's never seen this samurai or his corpse before. So, why? Seeing the undead samurai reminds of something his mother said or something a lady from his village mentioned. It also might've been some weird old lady too. He doesn't really remember his mother at all... His memory gets a little fuzzy from time to time. The green haired swordsman can't recall what this lady said exactly, but it had something to do with the pattern on the samurai's yukata and a ship that came into port that day.

The samurai challenges him to a match instead of continuing with Brook. Zoro blaintingly accepts with a devilish smirk, he readies both of his swords for this fight before any attacks are made. The samurai is the first to jump forward, it has impeccable skills. Zoro sensed it from the moment he walked into the room. The two exchange clashes of swords; in a way, the green haired swordsman thinks there's something off about the way the zombie samurai is fighting, just can't put a finger on it.

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