Chapter 5: First Appearance (5)

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On the ship, a lady with black hair emerges from Nami's sleeping quarter's, startling everyone into a panic. Everyone tenses, Zoro pulls out his sword and holds it to her. "Who the hell are you and why are you on our ship?" Zoro asks her as she sits on the upper deck railing with a smile. The cook ends up stepping in front of his sword and asking the 'beautiful young lady' why she's on their ship. He's pulling out his gentleman act out of his ass again. Zoro feels sick. He hates when he does that. She plainly states that she's just trying to get away, and seen how committed their captain is to his goal. She wants to help him.

So, after keeping strange lady on their ship, they try to find their next destination. Zoro doesn't trust her because she's different then the rest of his crew. Her Haki is more powerful and there's something familiar about it that resonates with him. What is it about her that's so special?

"Why's it pointing up?" Zoro asks the navigator as he comes up to stand next to her.
She shrugs, "I don't know." She looks up to him with a confused expression on her face.
"Maybe that's where we need to go next?" the swordsman offers with a shrug.
"Well, think about it. Is there really an island!" she trails off when she sees giant angel-like figures standing within the large group of mist clouds up ahead. Everyone freezes with terror written on their faces.

Zoro thinks he remembers these creatures from somewhere.....but from where exactly? It's a fuzzy memory, but yes, he's seen them somewhere before or maybe something similar... He blinks and everything goes fuzzy. He blinks again and he's suddenly waking up on a futon in the male quarter's of the boat. He groans and touch his head with his eyes closed.

"You passed out," a blunt voice plainly states somewhere off to his right. He opens his eyes and looks over the see the blonde cook sitting next to him with a cigarette between his lips.
"What?" Zoro mumbles, his voice horse and dry. He's confused as to what just happened to him.
"Hell if I should know! You were standing one minute and then the next you were on the bloody ground," the cook growls. "Usopp and I had to drag your fat-ass down here—"
"I'm not fat, you playboy! This is muscle or does your thick skull not allow thoughts to-"
"Asshat! Should've just left you up there then, but it was Nami-swan's idea to bring you down here and out of the sun." Sanji states. In response, the swordsman only hums in annoyance.

Believe it or not, there is an actual island in the sky! Their ship was shot up into the air via a water combustion (uptake as they called it) with the help of two monkeys and an old man while getting chased by a pirate named Blackbeard and his crew. He seems odd.... Zoro gets an unsettling feeling when he's near that guy.

On the island itself, there are mainly clouds and a very bright sun. The air is very thin up here, so they need to be careful or else they'll pass outs Zoro squints his eyes at the bright light before feeling a bit dizzy. Robin stumbles a little too but not as much as the other crew members. The sea that their ship is resting on is just made of clouds. There's a slight breeze that takes them to a beach with pure white sand and different kinds of vegetation.

The crew goes exploring. When Zoro gets off of the ship, he lands in the water. This water feels lighter around his feet and ankles, but still gives the feeling of water from down there. He bends down to touch the cloud water and it feels heavy but wet. It's also soft but dense. It's an odd thing to try and describe.
"Amazing!" their captain bounces around with glee before running off and looking around. Chopper and Usopp join in on bouncing around the ship before also running off to follow Luffy down the beach. The group eventually runs into some locals-more them running into the Straw Hats. They explain what this place is and what this man with wings was riding just before he crashed.
"It's called a Waver."
"Could I try it?" Nami asks.
"Sure, but they're very hard to master especially if you're a beginner. So, take it easy, okay?" the man explains.
"Alright, I'll try my best!" the ginger girl says getting on the Waver and starting it up.

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