Chapter 3 Part 5

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End of Chapter 3!! I'm super excited for Chapter 4. It starts Saturday!

Luli did get her pie.

On the last day of the week, Farryn woke up early. She brushed her hair with a brush Iris had lent her, and then went down to the kitchens to get Luli. They didn't wait for the simple servants' breakfast. Instead, they hitched a ride with one of the deliverymen. He was so unlike the one who had brought them. He was cheerful and made Luli laugh- and they were in town before the clock struck twelve.

The slice Farryn got Luli was huge. Not lemon, unfortunately, but to Farryn's surprise she didn't complain. She just walked along placidly, occasionally letting chunks of apple dribble to the ground.

Farryn bought herself a new dress. It was grey, like the one she had stolen from the room in Serval's house, but the sleeves were embroidered with a pattern of interlocking leaves and vines, and they were also much less... humungous.

She also bought herself a pair of new undergarments, which she tucked into the little going-out bag Iris had thrown at her as she'd hurried off. "Buy something for the children!" Farryn reached for the money in the bag and listened to it jingle.

She loved having money. Serval had made her do all the shopping; with her face covered, of course, forbidden from speaking to anyone- but on those sunny Saturdays there was little she looked forward to more than the walk to the market. Fresh air, people.

"Where are we going?" Luli asked as the afternoon wore on, trying to crack a piece of hard candy Farryn had bought her. "Stop trying to chew it, or you'll break a tooth" Farryn warned her. "We're going to see the Constable, and then-"

Luli's sudden stop surprised Farryn. "I don't want to." the girl whimpered. "Luli, we'll be fine," she said. Luli's lower lip began to quiver dangerously and Farryn realized she had to get it under control. "There's no need to be scared."

But Luli was already inconsolable. "Don't make me go!" she wailed. People were beginning to stare. Watching the scene, one would think Farryn was demanding Luli let her nails be pulled out. Her wails carried, even as Farryn crouched and patted her in a vain attempt to calm her.

"Luli, please calm down." She said. She couldn't bear crying. "The Constable doesn't like us." Luli sobbed. "He's going to send us back!"

"I promise you, the Constable won't send us back anywhere," Farryn said. She couldn't fathom why Luli would be scared of a Constable, but she knew trying to coax her to join her wasn't going to work. But what could she do? She wouldn't ask her to wait outside. Not out here, not again. But she also couldn't force her to go in with her.

"Are you seeing the Constable today?" a familiar voice found Farryn, and sure enough, it was Claud. She frowned at him. "Yes." Luli's sobs quieted, and she stared up at him silently.

"Hello." Claud offered. Her response was a scowl. Farryn held in a laugh. Luli was a smart girl.

"I was going to." Farryn continued. "But Luli is scared to go in. Why don't you do it?" Claud blinked. "Me? Talk to the Constable? Are you mad?" "No. Go on. Ask him about the Mara or Marla case."

He blinked again. "You aren't serious." "You're serious about... killing her, aren't you?" It was difficult to think about killing her, but she had to use Claud for as long as possible, so she had to keep him thinking she would help him get whatever ill-conceived vengeance he had in mind.

"I am," Claud said sternly. "So you'd best go find out what they know about her."

She nodded towards the Constable's Stand, a small building with barred windows. With an annoyed sigh Claud did as he was told, crossing over and opening the heavy wooden door.

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