Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Blood

HMS King Geroge V surveyed the grand hall, her expression distorted and cold. "Secure the perimeter. Place explosives strategically around the doors and on the windows." The other shipgirls under her command swiftly moved into action, efficiently setting up the explosives while HMS King George V stood nearby, her eyes calculating every move. Monarch approached. Her voice was low but filled with authority. "George, once these explosives are in place, we will have full control over this room. But we need to ensure they understand the gravity of the situation. We need information, not chaos." King George V nodded. The tension in the room grew as the shipgirls worked in synchrony, preparing for the next phase of their plan. As the explosives were carefully positioned, the countdown for the fate of the hostages began.

At the dock of Base Horizon.

The salt-tinged breeze carried whispers of impending turmoil. The steel structures loomed like silent sentinels against the backdrop of the encroaching night. Catwalks and cranes formed a labyrinth of foreboding. The distant hum of the generator painted a sinister symphony, an eerie prelude to the clandestine operation unfolding beneath the shroud of night. Drake reached the edge of the dock. In a commanding voice, she announced, "Initial phase concluded, ladies. It's time to prepare for the next steps. Defensive measures! Stay on the local frequency and notify the second fleet about the developments." The shipgirls responded in unison, "Roger!" Each step was marked with a resolute cadence. They dispersed within no time. Their rhythmic clatter of boots echoed against the pavement of the dock, merging with the distant sounds of the night. Drake made her way from the desolate dock. The old forest path was illuminated only by the faint glow of street lights.

With the lovebirds

The night air on the hill overlooking Base Horizon was charged with a blend of tension and affection. Enterprise and Belfast are locked in a tender kiss. Belfast's expression held a blend of multiple emotions, displaying her affection for Enterprise.


The moment, suspended in time, was shattered by an explosion that echoed through the air. The tranquility of the scene was abruptly replaced by a surge of adrenaline. Their hearts now racing in response to the unexpected disruption. The moment of intimacy was violently interrupted. Snapping their heads towards the sound, Enterprise's eyes widened. She instinctively tightened her grip on Belfast's hand. "What... what just happened?" Enterprise pulled away, her eyes filled with concern. "What was that?" she questioned. Her gaze was instinctively drawn toward the source of the violent sound. Belfast was still caught in the aftermath of their shared moment. It took her a few seconds to process the abrupt shift in the atmosphere. "It sounded like an explosion from the direction of the base," she replied, her voice tinged with worry.

In no time both of them found themselves running down the forest path. They swiftly descended the hill, the urgency in their steps matched the unsettling echoes of the distant explosion. Belfast took the lead and Enterprise followed closely. The dimming light of the evening cast long shadows around them. "Enterprise, could it be the Sirens? This type of sudden attack is not unheard of." Enterprise, however, shook her head with certainty. "Unlikely. Hornet is on guard duty, and she would have contacted us immediately if she sensed anything unusual. Besides, Sirens wouldn't orchestrate an attack without a strategic purpose." As they continued descending the hill, Enterprise's hand instinctively reached for her communicator. A brief moment of realization twisted her expression as she discovered the empty spot at her side. "I left my communicator behind," she admitted, a tinge of frustration in her voice. "If Hornet tried to contact us, we wouldn't know. We need to get to the source of the explosion." The urgency deepened, pushing them to quicken their pace towards the looming uncertainty. Belfast voiced her concern, "The main hall is the likely source, but we can't be certain. It might be an attack on another facility, we need to be prepared for anything." Enterprise nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the surroundings. As they continued their descent, the distant flicker of flames illuminated the horizon. Enterprise, her command instincts kicking in, surveyed the scene with a furrowed brow. "Belfast, we need to find out what's happening. Do you have your communicator with you? I need to know the extent of the damage. If there is any kind of problem, the protocol tells that everyone should switch to emergency frequency." Belfast swiftly retrieved her communicator, deftly tuning it to the emergency frequency. The device crackled to life with an urgent message. Fragmented transmissions echo the chaos unfolding within Base Horizon. They could hear a faint hum coming from the communicator. Quickly realizing the importance, Belfast turned the volume up so even Enterprise could hear it. Hornet's urgent voice resonated through the emergency frequency, relaying the grim news of a siren bombardment targeting the main hall. The attack had ceased, but the aftermath was evident. Belfast and Enterprise exchanged worried glances, quickening their pace toward the main hall, ready to aid in the aftermath of the sudden assault. Enterprise abruptly halted, her eyes fixed on a distant point, an invisible weight pressing upon her shoulders. Belfast, puzzled by the sudden halt, stopped beside her. "What's happening, Enterprise? We have to hurry." The ominous message by Hornet echoed once more on the emergency frequency. Enterprise, her expression tense, listened intently.

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