Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Veil of Shadows

The base Horizon buzzed with activity as Enterprise raced through the busy corridors. Her steps were swift and determined, her eyes fixed on the looming meeting with Richelieu. She wasn't one to run behind schedule, and every ticking second felt like a speed boost, pushing her forward to the meeting that she was late for. Surrounded by a vibrant burst of life, Enterprise ran through the garden. Tall trees with their branches gently swaying in the breeze formed a natural canopy overhead. The cobblestone pathway beneath her feet guided her swiftly toward her destination. The garden's serene beauty contrasted sharply with Enterprise's race against time, highlighting the wonders that can be found even in the most hurried moments. Butterflies flit from flower to flower, their wings a blur of intricate patterns, adding a touch of whimsy to her frantic pace.

Arriving at the designated meeting room, the imposing figure of Richelieu stood by the window. Striking and elegant. That is how Enterprise would describe Richelieu. Her radiant pink eyes, captivating and filled with determination, now looked straight into her own. The room itself exuded grandeur, with polished wooden floors and ornate decorations. Richelieu's stern expression softened slightly. Turning to face Enterprise she showed a slight hint of irritation on her face. Enterprise offered an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for my delay," Enterprise said, her voice carrying remorse. "I got caught up in an unexpected situation." Richelieu's deep pink eyes bore into Enterprise's with a firm intensity that bordered on impatience. "Time is often a precious commodity in our line of work," she replied, her French accent adding an air of grace to her words. "But I'll grant you leniency this time." A wave of relief washed over Enterprise. She nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Richelieu. I can assure you this won't happen again." As the tension in the room started to dissipate. With Enterprise's apology accepted. The meeting now underway, they shifted focus to the reason for the gathering. Richelieu cleared her throat, her expression now more composed. "It's time we discussed our plans regarding Iron Blood." Enterprise nodded in agreement. "Yes, we need to gather as much information as possible. And for that, we'll need Prinz Eugen's insights." As they delved into their strategies, Richelieu's gaze wandered to the doorway, and she sighed faintly. "I hoped to involve Prince of Wales in this discussion, but it seems she's currently on an errand." Enterprise furrowed her brows in thought. "That's unfortunate. But there is still no guarantee that Wales would collaborate." This was a matter that would require careful consideration and planning. The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of King George V. She entered the room with a graceful bearing, her attire impeccably pristine. "Good to see you both," King George V said as she took a seat at the table. Her presence exuded an air of authority. Enterprise and Richelieu returned her greeting, and Richelieu inquired, "You left earlier. Was there something urgent?" King George V gave a brief, apologetic nod. "I left because it appeared Enterprise was not joining the meeting. I was concerned that my busy schedule might be delayed, I'm really sorry. " "No, don't apologize. It's not your fault. I should have set an alarm." Enterprise said, not realizing she played herself. Richelieu raised an eyebrow and remarked, "Oh, so this was the unexpected situation that caused your delay?" Enterprise, now aware she screwed up, gently lifted her head up and down. A slight smile playing on her lips, Richelieu exclaimed "Darling, you could have just said that, I don't bite." They shared a small, knowing laugh, lightening the situation. Richelieu looked at King George V, "Did you inform your sister, Prince of Wales, about our plan?" King George V hesitated for a moment, "I haven't had the chance to speak with her." Richelieu raised an eyebrow. "Did something happen between you two?" Asked Enterprise. King George V hesitated "I've not seen my sister recently. She's been occupied with her duties and doesn't confide in me as much as she used to." Enterprise looked more attentively at George, her instincts tingling. "Is that so?" King George V nodded, her tone playful. "Yes, I'm afraid she's become quite independent." Lightening the mood once again, they chuckled, though Enterprise and Richelieu couldn't help but view George as an overly protective older sister. After that, their discussion continued. Enterprise interjected resolutely. "I'll make contact with Prince of Wales. She and Prinz Eugen have a unique connection. It's possible that she could help us establish contact." Richelieu nodded in agreement. "That seems like a sensible approach. We need to act swiftly and adjust accordingly." As they made plans for the next steps, King George V's communication device emitted a soft chime. She glanced at the message that had just arrived. The meeting eventually came to a close. Richelieu, Enterprise, and King George V gathered their belongings and left. King George V gracefully excused herself, her destination unknown to the others. She walked through the corridors of the base, her expression unreadable. Once she was certain she was alone, she discreetly activated her communicator, her voice low and hushed.

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