Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 – Shatter

Before the operation Crimson Tide was commenced – shore of the base Horizon.

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silver glow upon the shore. A gentle breeze rustled through the trees, and the distant murmur of the sea echoed in the quietude. Shipgirls, stationed at various points for lookout scanned the horizon with a stern gaze. The familiar silhouette of USS Hornet was visible near the docks, her figure outlined against the shimmering water. The occasional small conversations passed between shipgirls. Each one knew the importance of the lookout duty. As the night deepened, Hornet finally made her way to the small hut made to shield them from the cold. She strolled towards the hut, a sense of nostalgia hitting her.

Hornet's mind drifted back to the nights she had spent on watch with her sisters. They stood side by side, vigilant guardians of the seas. Hornet couldn't help but smile at the memories of those moments—Yorktown's comforting presence and Enterprise's unwavering nagging. She couldn't help but muse, that perhaps, with this new form, it was time to shed the familiar habit of calling Enterprise her sister. Pondering the evolution of her role, she silently repeated her new name: "! USS Hornet II !" She couldn't help herself. It sounded so cool! Hornet gazed out at the starlit night, a reflective glint in her eyes. "I may no longer carry the same designation as Enterprise, but the ties that bind us go beyond names and classifications." A bittersweet smile played on Hornet's lips as she continued, "We've weathered the storms of war together, triumphed over adversity, and mourned the loss of our comrades. In every battle, Enterprise, Yorktown, and I stood side by side." Hornet's gaze remained fixed on the stars as she continued her solitary stroll "Now, as an Essex-class carrier," Hornet mused, "I find myself surrounded by a squadron of sisters." Hornet burst into laughter. The sound echoed through the otherwise silent dock, a lighthearted release of tension. Amused, Hornet continued, "Don't get me wrong; they're a spirited bunch, but some can be more exasperating than even Enterprise. It's like having a house full of little Enterprises! But, well, wouldn't have it any other way." She chuckled to herself, finding joy in the unique dynamics of her expanding family. "Even if I'm no longer her sister by name, she will always be my big sister." The distant hum of conversations and laughter reached her ears. Pushing open the door, Hornet stepped into the cozy space, greeted not by warmth but by an air thick with tension. The shipgirls within eyed her arrival with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism, their conversations subdued as she took a seat. "Hey there, Hornet," one of the shipgirls exclaimed. A half-hearted greeting reached Hornet's ears. It became evident that this gathering was not marked by the camaraderie she had anticipated. Hornet, sensing a need to break the ice, approached a trio of shipgirls with a friendly grin. "So, ladies, what brings you to the guard duty post? Not a fan of galas and fancy events?" HMS Revenge chuckled. "Not exactly, Hornet. We just find a different kind of thrill in keeping watch. It's like being on the lookout for a grand adventure." HMS Gloucester nodded. "Besides, we're more the quiet type. The hustle and bustle of a gala might not suit us." "You know, I've never been a fan of galas. All that formality and small talk, it's just not my scene." Hornet continued. HMS Gloucester, a spark of understanding in her eyes, replied, "Couldn't agree more, Hornet. Sometimes, it feels like we're putting on a show instead of being ourselves." Revenge chimed in, "And those gala dresses? I'd rather be in my uniform any day. At least it feels genuine." "Exactly! Give me a flight deck and a squadron any day over these formal affairs." "Perhaps we should start a club – the Anti-Gala Squad. No frills, just straightforward shipgirl business." HMS Bellona added with a smirk. The shared opinion lightened the mood.

As Hornet talked with the eclectic group of shipgirls, an internal monologue unfolded in her mind. "Huh, not everyone from the Royal Navy is jazzed about galas, it seems. Can't blame 'em though—all that glitz and glam – not exactly my vibe either.

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