"Why you call him that?" He asked me chuckling.

"I'm not really being rude to customers Od. It's just a little joke between us because he didn't want to listen to my advice on what to get on his sandwich and gave me a hard time. So I just started calling him that. You're not offended right?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"Nah man I'm chilling," he replied as I nodded my head.

"See? This is my brother Od by the way. And the person that this sandwich bar is named after and his husband owns this bitch," I told him as he nodded his head.

"Oh shit wassup man. Love the food you guys have here," Krieghton spoke as Od just looked at him.

"Thanks...," he spoke looking back at me.

"Od don't start yo shit," I told him as he chuckled.

"My fault," he replied as I handed him his sandwich, some fries, and a bottle of water.

"Hm, that will cos-,"

"Fuck you," Od replied cutting me off and getting up walking out of the door.

"Bro I promise I'll...mink mink," I spoke fighting the air. "Lemme make yo sandwich,"

"So, how was your birthday?" He asked me as I shrugged.

"I didn't do shit. I just went home and went to bed. After eating that cookie pie that was fucking delicious," I told him as he chuckled.

"Preciate that man. Why didn't you do anything? Do you want to? It's nothing major, but I was planning on going skating, but it's about to be a closed session because a few friends and I bought out the rink. It's just something we do once a month and my friends from out of town come into town, but you're more than welcome to come and shit," he told me as I thought about it.

"I mean...I'll see. I used to skate all the time when I was younger. Last time I went was like last year with my nieces and nephews. We had a little skate party and shit for my nephew's birthday. That could be cool. What time though?" I asked him as he took out his phone.

"Could I have your number so I could text you the info and shit?" He asked me as I looked at him nodded my head.

"Yea," I told him reciting my number so that he could save it. He then gave me his to which I saved his name in my phone as "LFC🥱🖕🏿". He read that and chuckled before showing me what I was saved as.


"What does SMN stand for?" I asked him as he laughed looking at me.

"Sandwich making nigga," he replied as I smacked my lips.

"Nigga fuck you," I told him as Kiya walked over to me.

"Hey," she spoke waving at him making him wave back. "You friends with my brother?"

"Kiya, mind yo business," I told her.

"Was I talking to you?" She asked as I shook my head.

"No ma'am," I replied walking away to finish his food. Once I was done I walked back over to them and handed him his order. "Merry Christmas nigga,"

"Thanks, gang," he spoke as he took a bite of his sandwich. I started back working normally after fucking with him for a while and watched as he moved seats from the bar to a table in the back corner as he pulled his laptop out. Wonder what he's doing. This is new.

I started thinking about when k used to do that shit. I took business classes because I wanted to own something. Just have something. Since I can't do shit else. I passed my classes and now it's like I have it for no reason though because I don't do shit with it. Only a dumb nigga would invest in himself and then not do shit with it. I'm stupid as fuck. Maybe I could start saving up money and buy a stock or something with Dev and Od. I don't even know where to start though.

Cup of Jo (Spinoff of Rags to Riches)Where stories live. Discover now