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I woke up getting out of bed quietly trying not to wake Spencer up I showered grabbed my suitcase and headed out the door. Elle was waiting for me " hey, you're late so we gotta hurry or we might miss are train" she said to me as I buckled in. We drove to the train station and got on our train. We had a business trip to Texas Elle was going to go on her own but when she asked me to come I said yes.

Hours latter

 I was sitting on the train looking at the file when Elle's phone rang she was talking when she lost connection. The train lurched to a stop the train guard came in "sorry we are experiencing minor delays" he said Elle walked up to him turns out someone had jumped in front of the train.

Elle came and sat down when shots rung I reached for my gun when I saw that the guard was shot in the chest he was dead. A man was standing gun raised " nobody move or I shoot. Drop you're guns now" he said grabbing the pregnant woman on board and pointing it at her. Me and Elle looked at each other putting our guns down " Teddy please don't do this, come on do the right thing" a women said " shut up! Shut up! You don’t tell me what to do anymore!" He yelled to the women pointing his gun at her.

He walked over to Elle handcuffing her to the seat with the handcuffs he got off the guards body he came to me grabbing and shoving on the ground next to Elle. I tried to struggle but he hit me in the face with his gun giving a bloody nose. He then handcuffed me to the seat in front of Elle. Shit this was not going to end well .

Spencer's POV

I walked into the office missing Maddie already. Seconds after I walked in JJ came up to me " Oh good you're here we have to go now, we'll brief you on the plane" she said hurriedly walking away I got my stuff and got on the jet sitting down.

We took off and we all settled ready for the briefing " Ok so Teddy Marvin has taken a train full of people hostage in Texas, we've been called in for hostage negotiations" Hotch said " Texas isn't that where Maddie and Elle are?" JJ asked from her seat " yeah and weren't they taking a train?" Morgan chimed in. We looked at each other " Garcia can you pull up security footage from the train?" Hotch asked,  Garcia pulled it up " it's on you're screens now"  she said the footage started playing I saw Maddie and Elle handcuffed to seats Maddie with a bloody nose. Hotch muttered something under his breath pulling his phone out and walking away.

Maddie's POV

The women who I now knew was Teddy's therapist was trying to talk him down. The police had tried to negotiate but it didn't work. He kept talking about some higher authority probably his delusion. Outside I could hear sirens approaching Teddy stood up and started to pace.

The phone rang they where talking I could tell it was Hotch I looked at the camera knowing they'd be watching and gave a reassuring smile. He hung up the phone and resumed pacing muttering to himself "I have to get it removed. I have to get it removed" he kept saying over and over. The phone rang again he was getting mad his demeanor was changing. He grabbed the pregnant girl holding one of the guns to her head muttering something in her ear she nodded he shoved her towards the phone.

Teddy was talking and she was repeating it into the phone. He told them to send someone in to have it removed or the girl would die. How could they remove an imaginary chip from someone's arm?

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