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I woke up my head exploding with pain. I opened my eyes to find only darkness. The air was hot and stuffy. The world was quaking beneath me. It took me a moment to survey my situation, I was in the trunk of a car. My hands were tied behind my back, and my ankles where also tied. The car slowed to a stop the car door slammed, I heard footsteps approaching. The trunk opened, and I saw Matt staring back at me, smiling. "I'm going to carry you. You're not going to fight cause I don't want to hurt you. Understand?" Matt asked. I nodded. He heaved me onto his shoulder, carrying me. I kicked him in the stomach "You bitch!" he yelled he brought me inside and threw me on the floor kicking me in the stomach " You bitch! You're  going to regret that!" He said continuing to kick me. He tied me to a chair punching me twice in the face. He ran out slamming the door behind him, I felt my nose start to bleed. 

A couple of hours later Matt walked back "hi I missed you, I have a gift for you." He said smiling at me. He left and I heard a commotion outside he walked back in holding a girl she looked a little younger than me but she had the same long blonde hair and blue eyes, she was unconscious. He threw her on the ground she groaned opening her eyes. I saw her eyes widen in fear she trembled. Matt took out a gun and pointed it at the girl "You're little team found my other place where I was keeping this one I got her out in time, this is a message for them!" He yelled. He straitened himself and shot the girl "Wait!" I yelled seconds too late I couldn't save her. I watched unable to do anything as he carried her body out slamming the door behind him. Later he came in with a camera he set it up in front of me, Smiling he turned on the camera and approached me. 

Spencer's POV

We got back to the station I was expecting Maddie to be there already but she wasn't back yet. I went to the room they gave us "hey JJ, is Maddie back yet?" JJ turned to me a worried look on her face "no, she's been gone for like 2 hour's" I pulled my phone out "Hey Garcia can you check where Maddie's car is?" I heard Garcia typing over the phone when Morgan's phone rang he answered "Reid we got to go, Matt the witness is the unsub" Morgan said  "her car is still at the  house" Garcia said I hung up on Garcia running to the car. I didn't take 2 hours to talk to a witnesses and why hadn't I seen it before Matt wasn't a witness he was our unsub.

Once we got to the house there was a sign of a struggle. There was a glass of half drank water that when tested would probably contain sedative. and a blood covered trophy. Morgan's phone rang again "Ok where on our way" he spoke into the phone "we got to go, they found another body".

We got to the body and I saw something laying beside the body I picked it up. It was a picture of Maddie tied to a chair a puddle of blood at her feet I stiffened " we've got to go back" Morgan looked at me when I showed him  the photo.

Once we got to the station the team gathered "He takes blondes with blue eyes because he had a girlfriend who died in a car crash. A car crash that he caused he was stuck in his seat and watched her die" Garcia said "So he kills girls that look like his dead girlfriend" Prentiss said "we found one of his properties. Garcia does he own any others?" I asked Garcia was furiously typing on the other side "Not any on record but I'm going to dig deeper see if I can find anything" Garcia hung up we all sat down getting ready to hunker down and look through some records. I felt useless sitting there looking through files but what else could we do? Garcia came back onto our screens "Guys! Guys, he sent a video and it's. It's Maddie" We all looked at each other prepared for the worst.

Broken (Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now