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22 JANUARY 2024, 10.45 PM,

Raghuvanshi Mansion was filled with the hustle and bustle of servants running around to complete their work and carrying out the orders of the elders. The three women were checking the things arranged for Roka. Their husbands came to the living room, they could see that the whole house radiated with the happiness of the women who were excited to welcome their daughter-in-law (or) as they say the first daughter-in-law of the generation. The women turned around and saw their husbands admiring them.

"How is the arrangement going on?" Daivik asked.

"Everything is good. But, we still have the feeling that something is missing." Kaushalya said.

Devadutt came forward and looked around the silver trays which held the items for Roka. After looking around all the trays, he said,

"Everything is there Gaayu, only the gifts that we have to give to Sita and her family"

"Yes, that's it. I had a feeling that something was missing." Gayathri said.

"I also forgot. Ma I will bring them, you just tell me where you kept them" Sruthilaaya said.

"Ma, I have also bought some gifts for them," Kaushalya said.

"I also bought some gifts. I will bring them also" Sruthilaaya said.

"Alright, Go get them" Gayathri agreed. Sruthilaaya and Kaushalya went to get the gifts, while Gayathri again checked the arrangements. After a few minutes, Kaushalya and Sruthilaaya returned with many boxes in their hands.

"Everything is ready. Where are the children?" Gayathri asked.

"We are here," Shanta said, as she came down with Madhan and Madhav. After looking around, Kaushalya asked,

"Where is the man of the event?"

"Yes, where is Ram?" Devadutt asked, as on cue Ram came down talking in his phone.

"Tejas I informed you not to disturb me for the next week. I have completed all the work due for the next two weeks, what is so important that you are disturbing me?.... Didn't I tell you to postpone all those meetings? Why are they stubborn to have the meeting today?..... Alright but fix it for tomorrow afternoon.... Okay after scheduling message me about the timings... Okay, I am hanging up." 

After hanging up the phone, he looked up to see his family looking at him with awe. He looked back at them with a curious look, the trance was broken with an excited shriek.

"Bhai you are handsome more than ever today. I knew that this outfit would compliment you perfectly" Shanta said.

"Yes, you are handsome today," Gayathri said happily.

"May no one's evil eyes fall on my child" Kaushalya said with tears in her eyes. She kept a black dot behind his ears with the kajal from her eyes.

"Okay, enough of the emotional stuff. Let's start, the roka ceremony is scheduled for noon, we have to be at Mathur mansion at least at 11.30 am." Gaurav said.

LOVE'S UNWRITTEN SCRIPTМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя