7. Last Day Of Camp

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The fall.


(alarm blaring)

Attention. All park-goers must report to the South Ferry Dock for immediate evacuation. Last ferry departs in 2 hours, A male voice says over the speakers

"That's it? No explanations? That's all we get?" I ask the universe

"We have to move. The only way we'll make it is if we run."

"Are you sure that's the best way to get there?" Sammy asks, looking at Yaz with concern

"I'm fine. I've competed with a torn ACL. You should be way more worried about Ben and Bumpy."

"What we should all be worried about is catching a boat out of here." Ben pulls out a map of the island that flew to us a while ago. "And naturally, we have a problem" He points to one part of the map. "We're here. The docks are on the southern tip of the island.

"Even if we run at peak Yaz speed, there's no way we'd make the last boat out." Ben confirms

"You don't know that" Sammy says hesitantly.

"Yes, yes I do. I memorized the evacuation plan on the way over." Ben explains

Everyone groans at the bad news.

"Okay so we need another way." Darius says. "Um... can we use those somehow?" He points at the kayaks floating on the water. "Or send someone to tell the ferry people to wait? Or-"

Brooklyn cut him off sarcastically. "Or make a few jetpacks real quick? Oh! We may as well befriend a unicorn!". Brooklyn slumps on the bench. "Face it. It's hopeless"

We will be arriving on Main Street, your destination for fine dining, and shopping at Jurassic World. Followed by stops at the Jurassic World Lagoon and South Ferry Dock, an automative voice says as a monorail train passes by

All of us cheer.

"Monorail! What-what!" Kenji yells

"Mm. Nicely played universe," Brooklyn says


We all run to the top of the stands and out of the lagoon.

Ben and Yaz lag behind. "It's nice to have some company back here for once," Ben says

"I'm fine" Yasmina overtakes Ben and reaches us. Ben does too after a few moments.

We run to the stairs going to the monorail but dash back to hide behind a wall. Toro is wandering around there.



Darius signals for us to move once he gets to the other side. Half of us run to him. Halfway there we run back because Toro turns around. He slowly creeps towards our hiding spot.

Darius, seeing this, throws a rock at another direction. While Toro is distracted the rest of us run to the steps.

Slowly, we crawl up the stairs, ducking behind the stairs' walls.

Bumpy, Kenji and Brooklyn reach to the top first, just as the monorail comes.

"Mono-!" Kenji yells

Brooklyn clamps her hand over Kenji's mouth. "Shhhh!"

Welcome to Jurassic World Lagoon! Next stop, Ferry Landing! The automatic voice says loudly. Toro turns around and sees us. He roars

All of run up the stairs frantically

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