Chapter 9: Battle of Fort Graken II

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Ve'Kar is seated waiting patiently for the Commanders to arrive with the rain hitting his rough skin with the rain dripping down said skin. He lifts his head up seeing Bailey, Zaiken, and Rennriel before him.

"Ah the three current Commanders, your blood is aged but I can tell you're skilled, worthy of your positions." Ve'Kar says standing up with no weapon in hand.

The three Commanders circle him cautious as they can sense his strength as it's way more than any prior Hell Spawn they've faced as Ve'Kar smirks.

"Let's dance." Ve'Kar says with a demonic longsword appearing in his hands.

Rennriel is the first one to attack swinging his swords which Ve'Kar is deflecting keeping up with his speed. Bailey thrusts her longsword towards Ve'Kar's side, Ve'Kar avoids this back handing her stiffly.

Ve'Kar dodges a dangerous swing from Zaiken allowing for Rennriel to land a couple of slashes. Ve'Kar retaliates a devasting kick to Rennriel's stomach as his eyes widen as the force sends him into the edge of the tower.

Rennriel gasps for air as he hyperventilates and feels the pain of his ribs as they feel as though they're broken. Zaiken swings his axe with a lot of power and discipline though Ve'Kar is ducking and weaving these and slashes Zaiken's ear in half.

Zaiken slams his axe against Ve'Kar's chest which he blocked in the nick of time as he's pushed back. His attention is turned to Bailey as their longswords clash.

Bailey flourishes her longsword keeping Ve'Kar's attention as Rennriel gets his act together and zooms to the distracted Ve'Kar who notices him but he can't act fast enough and feels a flurry of slashes against his neck.

Bailey's eyes widen seeing Ve'Kar's longsword change into a greatsword as she's pushed back a good distance. Rennriel puts his swords up to mitigate the damage from Ve'Kar's swing.

Rennriel is knocked across the ground by Ve'Kar who goes for the killing blow. Zaiken intercepts this and pushes Ve'Kar back.

"The hell is that trick?" Zaiken asks circling Ve'Kar as they have their heavy weapons on their shoulders.

"Continue fighting me and you'll figure it out dwarf." Ve'Kar says as they clash their weapons together.

They go blow for blow with their weapons as both are getting into it cutting each other up. Ve'Kar grabs Zaiken's axe by the handle and knees Zaiken in the chest sending him back.

Bailey thrusts her longsword into the side of Ve'Kar who roars out loudly kicking Bailey away with her longsword still in his side.

Ve'Kar grunts and growls pulling the longsword out which is covered in his burning blood. Ve'Kar tosses the longsword back towards Bailey who looks at him perplexed.

"Come on, pick it up!" Ve'Kar demands with excitement as his weapon changes to a spear which he flourishes whilst beckoning for them to come.

The three charge as Ve'Kar thrusts his spear forcing Zaiken and Bailey to keep them at a distance. Rennriel gets behind him going for a thrust but Ve'Kar turns headbutting him and goes to stab him with the spear.

Rennriel dodges this and slashes upwards across his face. Ve'Kar smirks as the wound heals thrusting his into Rennriel's shoulder as he yells out feeling like his blood is being set ablaze.

Ve'Kar is hit across the face by Zaiken which sends across the floor. Ve'Kar gets up with half of his face missing but maintains his grin.

"That's it! This is the fight I expect out of you wolves!" Ve'Kar exclaims with his face healing the wounds.

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