Chapter 6 - 2nd day of recovery

Start from the beginning

"Or I could call Ellie to take her, since Elvis is taking Radar in my absence, Pen!", Sam suggested wisely, "that's a, achoo, great idea!", she smile from ear to ear.

The blonde woman got her phone out and phoned her female colleague, who answered instantly, "hey Penny! How you feeling?", she questioned enthusiastically, "hi! I'm still, cough, cough, feeling terrible!", she replied honestly as she croaked.

"Awww, you poor thing, I hope you get better soon, anyway what's up?", Ellie asked curiously, "I was wondering if you, achoo, achoo, could take Miss Pawdry to, cough, cough, Annie's animal parade, achoo, achoo, achoo, since I'm not feeling, cough, well!", the blonde woman wondered.

"Of course, I'll be right over!", the brunette woman spoke enthusiastically and they both hanged up after saying goodbye.

The two firefighters, who were lying down together were snuggling and eating sweet onion soup to be on the safe side encase the poorly woman becomes sick after her anti-nausea pills.

Five minutes later, the knocking at the door made the two lead firefighters realise that it was the dark skinned woman, so the poorly woman gave her white and brown fury friend to her crush.

He walked downstairs with the cat in his arms and he opened the door, saying hi to Ellie and giving her Miss Pawdry as she headed to the farm with her, because her friend was sick.

Sam locked the front door and headed back upstairs into the guestroom room and lied down next to his crush, "so, what do you want to do now, Pen?", he questioned curiously.

"Well, since we're alone, achoo, achoo, without my meowing friend and, cough, cough, I am starting to feel a, achoo, achoo, achoo, bit better, so why don't we watch, cough, cough, cough, a movie!", Penny rasped her suggestion.

The red haired man headed to the kitchen to get everything ready like the food and beverages, before carrying them into the guestroom with him and placing them down on their bedside tables.

The two firefighters then stripped down into their undergarments and both took it in turns to use the bathroom, before they started watching multiple romance movies and eating popcorn, chocolates and crisps.

While the variety of romance movies were playing, the lead firefighters started becoming really cosy with each other as Penny rested her head on the crook of his shoulder and he rested his head on top of hers as he discreetly pecked her head, but she didn't mind.

Penny was lost in the moment as she wrapped her arms around her crush, feeling his strong abs and warm, tempting scented body that drives her lady parts crazy like a compass as she sinks deep into his skin, enjoying his bare body.

Sam on the other hand, felt exactly the same as he wrapped his arms around his crush, feeling her muscular, petite, sexy scented figure that makes his dick bulge and strongly erect like a magnet as he sinks deep into her skin, enjoying her bare body.

Five hours later, they were both still resting deep into each others smooth skin, not wanting this beautiful, glorious moment to end, but they were quickly interrupted by the sound of the door bell.

The red haired man quickly put a t-shirt and shorts on, before racing down the staircase, because he didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression of the two of them, especially since they hadn't even expressed their feelings yet.

He opened the door and smiled at Ellie, who was holding Miss Pawdry in her arms, "hi Sam, what's with the change of clothes?", she questioned curiously, suspecting that something was going on.

"Oh that, I spilt soup on myself and had to change, anyway, how was the animal parade?", he changed the subject really quickly.

"Well, apart from Norman, Peter and Hannah chasing Lambykins into the gully, separating a mither from her baby and Lion running rings around James at the parade, everything went alright!", the brunette woman briefly explained the event.

The brown and white cat jumped out if her arms and ran inside to find her owner, "well, I best be heading to the Station for my shift!", she explained as she waved her leader goodbye and walked off.

The hero next door locked the door and headed upstairs, seeing Miss Pawdry lying on top of Penny's lap as he lied down next to her.

"Looks like the parade must've tired her out!", he exclaimed, "I think she, achoo, achoo, enjoyed the parade that she, cough, cough, wasted all her energy, achoo, achoo, achoo, on it!", she whispered so as not to wake her up.

The two oblivious love birds then decided to goto bed as well and they snuggled into each other with the cat on top of them as they peacefully drifted off to sleep in their underwear on the double bed in the guestroom.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now