"Hyung," a voice interrupted our conversation, and as the three of us turned, we were met with the sight of Jungkook and Taehyung. A smile spread across my face as I welcomed the couple. "Kookie, Tae, come in," I said, embracing them in a hug. Jungkook spoke up, holding a bag in his hand, "Hyung, we brought Kimchi Fried rice along with Chicken." "Really?" I exclaimed, accepting the bag from Jungkook's hand. Taehyung, eager to see his niece and nephew, inquired, "Hyung, where are the kids?" Before I could finish my sentence, the kids shouted Jungkook's name and sprinted towards their two uncles. "Kookie uncle!!" Both Tae and Kook lifted each kid in their arms, exchanging kisses and receiving the same in return. 

"Kookie uncle, I have a doubt," Nara asked Jungkook, her small fingers playing with the buttons on his shirt as he held her in his arms. Jungkook, with a warm smile, responded, "Sure, sweetheart. What's on your mind?" With wide, curious eyes, Nara continued, "Uncle, Jiun oppa said that today, a mysterious uncle is coming to see us for lunch, but he doesn't know the uncle's name. I think he might be lying. Can you tell me if it's true or not?" For a moment, Jungkook's expression shifted, a hint of surprise crossing his face, but he quickly recovered and met Nara's gaze with a reassuring smile. "Ah, I see. Well, my dear, he might not have known because his also young right, but the uncle he was talking about is Uncle Jimin. He'll be joining us for lunch today," he explained, his smile returning as he watched the innocence in Nara's eyes. Nara blinked, processing the information, and then beamed up at Jungkook. "Uncle Jimin?  Does he like all of us" she questioned looking at Jiun who also nodded his head in support to Nara. 

As the Nara asked, Tae intervened with a gentle smile, "Why are you asking like that? He likes you, and all of us, that's why he's coming," casting a reassuring look at Jiun and Nara. However, Jiun, in a surprising moment of candor, challenged, "But Tae Tae uncle, I overheard Mom and Sana aunty talking about Uncle leaving all of you five years ago. How can he like us when he doesn't even know us?" Jaws dropped in the living room, including mine. Gathering my wits, I inquired, "Jiun, what are you asking?" My seven-year-old son, undeterred, continued, "Appa, I just wanted to know. I also heard that Uncle is Kook uncle's brother. Why did he leave? Did he leave because he didn't like Uncle or us?" The room fell into a stunned silence, and Namjoon finally stepped in for me, saying, "Jiun, what are you asking? Who taught you such things?" "Appa, don't shout, Oppa. He's asking because we heard it at school. One of Oppa's friends mentioned he'd leave the country once he grows up because he doesn't like his brother or his family," Nara explained, coming to her brother's defense against of her father.  I instantly saw Jungkook's face which was filled with sadness and was in verge of cry. I was about to open my mouth to scold the kids for asking such stupid but was stopped by a new voice. 

"I don't harbor any dislike for any of you." I heard a firm voice, and swiftly turned towards the sound. There stood Jimin, an embodiment of regality. He resembled the Jimin I knew from five years ago, yet there was a stark transformation. He exuded an aura of intimidation, dominance, and a seriousness that hinted at a colder, more guarded persona.


Hoseok, Suga, and I drove to Seokjin's hyung's house. You might be wondering why I call him hyung. Well, he's one of those person who's been a constant supporter, wanting nothing but happiness for me, even as my life took a 180-degree turn. I entrusted him with Jungkook's care, grateful that he managed my affairs in Korea while I focused on plotting my revenge in Europe. Hoseok seemed noticeably nervous about meeting them. I sighed, gazing out the window, contemplating how I would navigate the unfolding situation. 

As we approached the house, having parked our car in the parking lot, the voices of children, presumably Jiun and Nara, Jin hyung's and Namjoon's kids, reached my ears. "But Tae Tae uncle, I overheard Mom and Sana aunty talking about Uncle leaving all of you five years ago. How can he like us when he doesn't even know us?" Jiun asked, held by Taehyung. "What?" Hoseok exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the child's words. "Jiun, what are you asking?" Hyung scolded the boy, prompting him to stop, "Appa, I just wanted to know. I also heard that Uncle is Kook uncle's brother. Why did he leave? Did he leave because he didn't like Kook Uncle or us?" The question left me stunned for a moment, memories flooding back of how Jungkook had tearfully begged and bid farewell when I left Korea.

Vengeamour: Sinner's Love |PJM|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant