28. Reunion

Depuis le début

Diego's interruption signaled that the car was ready. "The car is ready," he announced, breaking the emotional moment.

"Let's get going now," Leonel suggested, and we exchanged farewells. Amanda wished us a safe journey, while Leah offered a prayer for our travels.

After a long ride, we finally landed in Trinidad

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After a long ride, we finally landed in Trinidad. The warm summer breeze welcomed us, and I soaked in the beauty of my new surroundings. Walking hand in hand with Alvaro, we made our way to the waiting car, ready to begin the next chapter of our journey.

Seated in the car, I stared out the window, captivated by the scenic views of Trinidad. Thoughts of meeting Mama after so many years occupied my mind, creating a mix of anticipation and emotions.

"Are you nervous?" Alvaro's voice gently brought me back to the present. I turned to him, offering a faint smile.

"I'm not nervous; I'm just filled with so many emotions," I confessed. Alvaro responded with a supportive and reassuring smile.

"I understand why you would be feeling that way. Come here," he invited, pulling me into his comforting embrace.

"We're here," the driver announced, and as I looked around, a breathtaking mansion stood before me.

"Woah," I exclaimed, my eyes widening at the sight of the beautiful estate.

With Alvaro's help, I stepped out of the car, and the driver efficiently handled our luggage. As we made our way towards the entrance, I couldn't help but admire the picturesque lawn and garden, captivated by the beauty surrounding us.

The sound of another engine drew our attention, and soon Leonel arrived. He greeted us with a smile, asking, "Are you ready?" I nodded in response, and together we approached the imposing front door.

Taking a deep breath, I pressed the doorbell, the weight of anticipation building with every passing second. Alvaro's comforting hand squeezed mine, providing a steadying anchor. After what felt like an eternity, the door finally swung open.

My breath caught, as I expected to see Mama. However, the woman before us wasn't her. I recognized the difference; Mama had a birthmark at the right corner of her brows, and her eyes were a light shade of gray. The lady who greeted us possessed brown irises, yet an undeniable resemblance lingered.

As she recognized us, her eyes widened, and she called out my mom's name.


"You've been at the door for a while, Zara. What's wrong? Who's th—?" Her voice trailed off as she came out and saw us. Her eyes, wider than a watermelon, mirrored the shock that enveloped the moment.

"L..Leonel? Isadora?" she called, her surprise echoing in the air. Overwhelmed with emotion, I stared at the woman whom I believed to be lost to me for years.

"Mama," I choked on my sob, the realization sinking in like a soothing balm. "You're really alive," I whispered, tears streaming down my face. Without a second thought, I launched into her arms, my heart finding solace in her embrace. Happiness and calmness enveloped me, but there was something else, an ineffable emotion that defied explanation.

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