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And here's our girl Ivyshadow! Now this is bringing back memories - remember when Ivykit was scared of everyone? Comment under a cat if you don't know them, because if I did my job right you should know every cat on this list.


LEADER: Acornstar - A dark chocolate brown she-cat with Amber eyes

DEPUTY: Pebbleclaw - white and black tom icy blue eyes


ELDERSWindfur - light brown, ragged tom


Acornstar - A dark chocolate brown she-cat with Amber eyes (Kits: Winterkit - white tom with blue eyes, Birchkit - dark brown tom with a white tail)

Riverflower - a grey she-cat with white stripes and green eyes (Kits: Redkit - tawny red tom with green eyes, Violetkit - Grey she-cat with purple eyes, Snowkit - white she-cat with blue eyes)

Ivykit - Silver grey she-cat with blue eyes


Larktail - dusty grey older she-cat

Branchfall - brown dappled tom

Blackstripe - brown tom with tigerlike black stripes, green eyes

Sunshine - calico she-cat with long fur and yellow eyes

Oakwhisker - Tawny red tom with a white tipped tail

Riverflower - a grey she-cat with white stripes and green eyes

Runningmouse - Brown and white tom with dark brown, almost black eyes


LEADER: Acornstar - A dark chocolate brown she-cat with amber eyes

DEPUTY: Sunshine - A calico she-cat with long fur and yellow eyes
Apprentice, Petalpaw

MEDICINE CAT: Birchtail - A dark brown tom with green eyes and a long white and black striped tail, much like a birch tree


Larktail - a dusty grey she-cat

Branchfall - a brown dappled tom with pale blue eyes


Snowfall - an extremely pretty white she-cat with blue eyes (Kits: Northkit: a dark brown tom with green eyes, Shadekit: a fluffy grey she-cat, Icekit: a white she-cat with dark blue eyes)

Ivyshadow - a silver grey she-cat with blue eyes (Kits: Sparrowkit: a tan and white tom with blue eyes, Branchkit: a grey tabby tom with dark brown eyes, Swiftkit: a silver grey she-cat with dark brown eyes and a twisted foot)

Acornstar - A dark chocolate brown she-cat with amber eyes (Kits: Honeykit: a black and white she-cat with amber eyes, Elmkit: A brown and white tom with icy blue eyes)


Blackstripe - A brown tom with tigerlike black stripes, green eyes

Oakwhisker - A tawny red tom with a white tipped tail

Riverflower - A grey she-cat with white stripes and green eyes

Winterthorn - A grey-white tom with dark blue eyes                                                                                             Apprentice, Goldpaw

Ivyshadow - A silver grey she-cat with blue eyes

Snowfall - An extremely pretty white she-cat with sky blue eyes

Morningcloud - A black she-cat with green eyes

Daybreeze - A tan furred tom with faint brown stripes

Forestdapple - A dark brown dappled tom with pale blue eyes


Petalpaw - A white she-cat with leopard-like black spots and yellow eyes
Mentor, Sunshine

Goldpaw - A pretty golden brown tabby she-cat with cloud blue eyes

Mentor, Winterthorn

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