Chapter 13 - Moon 8

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Ivypaw stood in the camp, Windfur, Snowpaw, Winterpaw and Birchpaw sitting around her. Her paws were planted in something wet, and sticky, a red liquid that was streaming from the four cats. "No," Ivypaw gasped, "don't die."

In the distance, A sound echoed towards them; a long, hungry howl. Ivypaw shrank down in fear. "The wolves are coming! Birchpaw, we have to get out of here!"

Birchpaw turned to her, but his empty eyes were dripping red. Ivypaw backed up in fear, backing right into Snowpaw. Blood from Snowpaw's eyes drip drip dripped onto Ivypaw's own. "No, no, no!"

Ivypww suddenly felt a sharp, biting pain in her shoulder, and she writhed, the blood clotting on to her fur, and in her eyes and-

Ivypaw woke up with a start, breathing hard. Her shoulder still hurt, and Ivypaw rolled her head to look. Claws sunk deep into her shoulder, sending little rivers of blood down to the ground. Ivypaw gasped, lifting her head to stare up at the violet eyes of her sister.

Violetpaw leaned closer, putting pressure on Ivypaw's shoulder, "Shhhh," she whispered.

It was all Ivypaw could do to not cry out in pain. She glanced to the side to see Snowpaw still curled up beside her, sleeping soundly. Wake up, Ivypaw thought desperately.

"She won't wake up," Violetpaw hissed, "I fed them all poppy seeds."

Ivypaw, with a struggle, met Violetpaw's eyes. "What do you want from me?"

Violetpaw frowned, then dug her claws in deeper, pulling downwards and tearing into Ivypaw's shoulder, "I want you to suffer the same way I did during my exile," Violetpaw snarled, "everything is YOUR fault."

Ivypaw gritted her teeth to stop from crying out. I can't show weakness. Ivypaw moved her other paw, her vision swimming with pain, and hit Snowpaw with it. Snowpaw made a noise but stayed asleep. "You're crazy," she whispered.

Violetpaw laughed, and the noise finally made Snowpaw jerk awake. Snowpaw sat up groggily, then jerked up in alarm. "Violetpaw?"

Violetpaw stepped off of Ivypaw, glaring at her sister, "Nothing, go back to sleep."

Ivypaw heaved herself closer to Snowpaw, involuntarily whimpering from the pain in her shoulder. Snowpaw turned, her expression horrified. "Ivypaw! Are you okay?"

Violetpaw hissed before stalking out of the den into the night, her shadow casting over them.

Snowpaw sniffed Ivypaw's shoulder, looking shell-shocked. "I never thought she would ever do something like this!"

Ivypaw flexed her paws, testing their strength. It seemed Violetpaw hadn't done any real damage. Ivypaw sat up, her fear slowly turning into anger. Why was Violetpaw let back into the camp? Was there anything she could do about it?

"Let's go tell Acornstar," Snowpaw meowed. Her voice shook with fear as she spoke.

Ivypaw shook her head, new determination igniting inside her, "No. I won't let her win."


"This was not from brambles," Birchpaw snapped as he applied herbs to her wound.

"Yes it is. I slipped and fell into a bramble bush." Ivypaw retorted.

Birchpaw snorted, "No one is going to believe that. It was clearly made from claws."

When Ivyapw shook her head, he continued in a softer tone, "Ivypaw, at least take a day off training. Blackstripe will understand."

"No. I have to train," Ivypaw meowed stubbornly.

Birchpaw sighed. "Fine. Go tear up your other shoulder while you're at it."

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