Chapter 8 - Moon 6

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Ivypaw woke up to Blackstripe shaking her shoulder, "Ivypaw, ready for dawn patrol?"

Ivypaw yawned widely, tired from the gathering last night. She glanced to Winterpaw's nest near the corner to see him snoring soundly. "Of course he gets Larktail as a mentor," Ivypaw muttered. Larktail, being an older cat, liked her sleep.

"What was that?" Blackstripe asked from the entrance.

"Nothing!" Ivypaw blinked sleep away rapidly. Today was another day to prove herself.

Pebbleclaw stood in the clearing, talking to Runningmouse, and looked up when they excited the den. "Perfect! I was just telling Runningmouse that I would like you to stop at the far edge of our border for about 30 minutes. Violetkit is supposed to meet us there."

Ivypaw felt the hair along her spine rise at the mention of her old bully. Her confidence from the last moon seemed to drain away. Blackstripe gave a nod, "No problem Pebbleclaw you can count on me!" Then his eyes slid to Runningmouse, taking on a teasing glow, "Or, rather, Runningmouse. It's his first time leading a patrol, we expect greatness."

Runningmouse laughed awkwardly, looking nervous. "I'll do my best!"

Pebbleclaw chuckled, patting Runningmouse on the shoulder with his tail, "I'm sure you will. Remember to report any wolf sightings!"

Ivypaw followed Blackstripe and Runningmouse, taking a big breath o the forest air. It smelled of... the only way Ivypaw could describe it was Spring. It was alive with rustling creatures and morning bird song. The forest seemed to wipe away any tiredness, and she was suddenly glad Blackstripe was her mentor.

She leapt over a log to catch up with Runningmouse and Blackstripe, ears perked excitedly, "Where are we headed?"

Blackstripe turned to Runningmouse, who looked taken aback by the attention. "Err, we, I thought we'd go to the Falling Rock border first, then head to the outer edge border." He glanced at Blackstripe anxiously, as if waiting for the tom to disagree.

Blackstripe nodded approvingly, "Ivypaw has never been to the Falling Rock border, this will be a great experience her!"

Ivypaw held back a laugh at the obvious confidence it gave Runningmouse, the tom puffed up like a proud hen.

"Ivypaw, do you remember where we left off on the warrior code?"

Ivypaw racked her brain, the information thankfully coming to her, "Code number 4! About giving thanks to the Clan of Rising Star."

"Good job!" Blackstripe purred, as easy with his praise as usual. "The next code..." he trailed off as if realizing something. "Well, let's jump to code number 13. The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code. Ivypaw, why is this important?"

"Um, to keep the peace? During battles and stuff." Ivypaw said, doubt in her voice.

Blackstripe nodded, "And it means the clan leader can alter the code for specific circumstances. For instance, in the case of Code number 5, Acornstar thought it was best to override it."

"What's code number 5?" Ivypaw asked. Acornstar had gone against the code?

"A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice," Blackstripe cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable, "she broke that rule with you."

"She broke the code to make me an apprentice?" Ivypaw was shocked. She never thought that Acornstar would break the code just for her!

"She thought that you deserved it," Blackstripe meowed, "You did save the life of your sister."

It was really Dreamwalker who saved her, Ivypaw thought, do I really deserve it?

By the time they reached the border, the dew was beginning to melt, taking away the delightful morning smell and replacing it with the nutty smell of prey.

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