The time when the Ocean's royal couple is overprotective

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With the end of the school year approaching, came the day that the students hated the most (after finals week, of course): the parent-teacher meetings.

Annabeth was lucky, as her dad lives in another city, they just made a quick video call with only one teacher and that was it, Percy, however...

Well, Percy would have to go through the entire process: be accompanied by his parents or guardians from classroom to classroom, talking with the teachers, one at a time.

There was a problem, however: Sally was close to the due date and Apollo (who loves her cookies, decided to be her doctor on the of the pregnancy) recommended rest, avoiding standing up too much, and leaving the house.

And Paul, because he is one of the school's teachers, would be talking to other parents and guardians, not being available to accompany Percy that day.

So, waiting for his turn to start the first meeting, Percy asks himself what to do.

It was almost time to begin when two people that he knew very well entered the school.

Poseidon an Amphitrite.

Of course they would come, thinks Percy, scolding himself for not thinking about the possibility.

- Sorry for being late, kiddo – says Poseidon, putting one hand on Percy's shoulder.

- You are not late – Percy tells them – Thanks for coming.

- Of course we would come, sweetheart – says Amphitrite, hugging the boy.

Soon after, Percy's name is called.

- It's show time – says Poseidon good-natured.

During the first meetings, nothing out of the ordinary happened, the teachers looked at the couple with distrust, a little scared, but no one made any comment about the rumors, focusing on Percy's academic achievements.

They talked about the panic attacks and how they would recommend a psychologist (as if he could tell any mortal doctor about all the trauma that he suffered, not that a demigod one would be able to help with the pit part either, thinks Percy bitterly).

They talked about Percy's difficulties, but he is a great student considering his ADHD and dyslexia.

About the behavior outside the classroom and the little conflicts with one of the classmates.

They were normal things for a teacher to bring up, so the royal couple wasn't bothered by it.

The meeting with Paul was quick. They already knew each other, and Paul knew everything that Percy had gone thru and is currently going thru, so there was no reason to prolong the meeting.

It wasn't until they had already met half of the teachers that it happened.

It was the turn of the Physics teacher.

Mr. Akhatar.

He is a terrible teacher; he hates the students and has a Snape vibe (hates everyone and criticizes and terrifies the students instead of explaining any doubts).

The first thing he did was criticize Percy for his lack of attention, hyperactivity, and having difficulty reading.

The three were enraged at the same instant.

- How dare you? – asks Poseidon – Perseus has ADHD and dyslexia. They are health conditions. And, in his case, it's genetic, children of my family have been born with these conditions for generations. You have no right to judge and criticize him for something out of his control.

- Health condition or not – said Amphitrite – You are his teacher. Instead of making unfounded criticisms, you should help him to overcome his difficulties.

- There is no helping someone who clearly doesn't try. If he did, his grades would be better – said the "teacher".

Percy exploded a pipe.

Right on top of the teacher.

He doesn't try?!

How many times didn't he try over and over again to get help on this subject?

How many times didn't he pray to Apollo (god of knowledge) and Athena asking for help?

How many times didn't he go to visit his dad's castle and instead of enjoying with his siblings, he stayed in his room studying?

How many times?

He felt a hand on his shoulder and Poseidon bringing him back to the scene around him.

- You have no right to say that my son doesn't try. When he visits me, he spends most of the time studying for YOUR subject, instead of enjoying it with his siblings. Always asking his older cousins for help on YOUR subject. Percy has his difficulties, but if there's one thing he is, it's being hardworking.

- Funny, teacher – Amphitrite said the title with disdain – All the other teachers praised him for being trying and being hardworking, even with his difficulties. For not being ashamed of asking for help and overcoming obstacles, getting more than satisfactory grades, and showing domain of what he learned. The problem here isn't my son. It's you.

Poseidon and Amphitrite got up, gesturing for Percy to do the same.

- We are done here – said Poseidon.

The three left the room. Leaving the soaked teacher behind.

The next meetings were calm, the news of what had happened circled the school (especially the pipe exploding), but no one seemed to mind that Mr. Akhatar was put in his place.

And if the man developed terrible luck with liquids, worse than John/Josh/Jonah's, and was fired in one week time, no one cared. 

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