The time when Poseidon angers Athena

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Author's note: idea of @HeloyzzeSilva

On the day after the episode with the sun god interrupting the class, Athena, again looking like a CEO, turns up at the school again. However, she is not the only one and she wasn't happy with the man she met at the hallway.

He was dressed as a common fisherman, but acted with so much confidence that it was visible that he was much more than that. He also had a dangerous aura, but he seamed to be in the best of moods that day.

The man was really similar to Percy. Of course, he is the demigod's dad. And he was super pleased with the news he received on the previous day. He wouldn't have the see his favorite son go away to his older brother kingdom.

So, when Zeus requested to him to take Percy to Olympus to an emergency meeting about the ascension, Poseidon didn't minded picking him up earlier on the school.

Athena, however, seemed annoyed to see him there.

- What are you doing here? – growled her.

- The same as you – he answers undisturbedly – Percy and Annabeth study together, remember? Or have you forgotten? I heard that losing memories is common when one gets old.

- You are older than me, old barnacle beard – she refuted, frowning – and no, I didn't forgot.

Poseidon's smile got even bigger, he thought that his niece's reactions when provoked were hilarious.

- And, even so, you are the grumpy old woman – he says – And the nickname? borrowing from Dionysus? Where's the originality? The creativity?

She got even angrier with that. She had already not wanted to pick Annabeth early from school (she was happy and proud she was going to ascend, but education was important) and she had to deal with her annoying uncle.

- You are impossible – she groans.

- I can assure you that I am really possible – he refuted, still smiling – I'm here, am I not?


- And you just screamed this in the middle of her school's hallway, attracting everyone's attention – says Poseidon.

It's just then that Athena realizes that a little crowd of students and teachers were paying attention on the argument.

And got even angrier.

It was then that Paul arrived, he had listened to Athena's yelling from his classroom, recognized the voice, and decided to interrupt the fight before Athena decided to stab Poseidon on the middle of the hallway.

The teacher cleared his throat, attracting the attention of both of the gods. Athena recomposed herself and put on a poker face. Poseidon smiled and exclaimed:

- Paul! Nice to see you! How is Sally?

Of course, the god of the sea knew she was fine, they had talked the day before an a I.M. about Percy's ascension. But she is pregnant, and things can change fast during a pregnancy. And Paul is a good man. He is good to Sally and Percy.

- It's nice to see you too. She is fine – answers the teacher, smiling – You are looking for Percy and Annabeth in order to talk about yesterday's news, right?

- That's it – agrees Poseidon – Do you know where they are?

- They are having P.E. classes – says Paul, explain how to get there.

- Thanks – says Poseidon, already starting to go there, giving the teacher a friendly tap on the shoulder, before turning to Athena and ask – Are you coming or not?

Athena gritted her teeth, but followed.

At that moment, the mortals realized that Annabeth wasn't kidding when she said that her mother hated Percy's father. And that Percy wasn't kidding when he said that his dad the rivalry with Annabeth's mom really funny. 

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