The time when Chiron has the empty nest syndrome

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On the week following the talent's show, it was the day of the Science fair. They had had, of course, a month to get ready for it.

Make a scientific experiment was bizarre, to say the least, when they knew gods and goddess and knew, on the words of one of them, that on the future the mortals would call the current science "primitive nonsense".

But it was a school event open to the public and that would receive a grade, so they didn't had much choice.

To Percy's luck, however, is a work in pairs, so he united himself with his girlfriend to create a project.

He suggested a volcano, since their first kiss had been on one, but Annabeth thought it would be too simple.

They decided to research about microbes that eat plastic.

They set up their presentation showing the progress of the research: a plastic bottle intact that, when being contaminated by the microbe, had it's size reduced quickly thru the days.

They also exposed the bottle (now with more than 43% of it's original size reduced) and explained how these microbes could help on cleaning rivers, lakes, the ocean, and the nature in general.

Grover had being enchanted by the project idea and insisted on going to watch the presentation.

What the couple didn't knew was that Chiron and Coach Hedge would be showing up too.

- Sorry guys, but they insisted – the young satyr apologized.

- No problems G-man – said Percy – Ch... Mr. Brunner – he corrected himself to use Chiron's fake name that he uses on the mortal world – Coach Hedge. I'm glad you came.

- We didn't knew you would come – said Annabeth – is it ok to leave camp, Mr. Brunner? And Melly and Chuck, coach?

- They will be fine for a day, my darling – Chiron assures her.

- Melly took Chuck to meet some relatives, they are fine – grunted the satyr.

None of them cared about the stares that they were receiving from the mortals, the mention of the Camp making the students curious.

- Now, cupcakes, what is this that Grover told us about microbes eating plastic? – asked Hedge.

As the couple explained, the satyrs' faces lit up.

- This is great! – exclaimed Grover, at the end of the presentation – If we figure out a way to use these microbes, they could really help nature.

- I can see with the Cabin 9 if they could make a mechanism to handle and guide the microbes – said Chiron, but he seamed distracted.

- Is... Is everything ok, C... Mr. Brunner? – asks Annabeth, worried.

-It's just... I am happy that you are going to ascend, of course I am, if there is two people that deserve it, it's you two, but... Are you going to keep visiting me?

The couple exchange a look before hugging the centaur.

- Of course we are, Chiron – says Percy.

- Even if we have to fight Zeus, so he allow it – agrees Annabeth – We will visit every time we can. And help at Camp with the children too.

Chiron sent them a look and said:

- Don't fight with lord Zeus. He is the king.

- If he doesn't allow us to visit you, we will fight with all we have – Percy replays.

Chiron shakes his head, but gave a small smile. He seemed to be the only one aware of the curious gazes of mortals,

- You are growing so fast, soon, even without the ascension, you would already be preparing to the world out of the camp and wouldn't come back every summer – there was nostalgy on the centaur's voice.

- Chiron – said Annabeth with a low voice, so the mortals wouldn't listen – Even if we didn't come back every summer, we would keep in touch with you.

- Yeah – agreed Percy, with tenderness – You are more than just our teacher, Chiron, you are a father figure. Camp is our home. We would always come back home.

Chiron smile and said:

- I must be looking like a fool. I already saw so many heroes leaving and not coming back, that the idea of never seeing you again, even with the ascension, breaks my heart.

- You are not being a fool – to everyone surprise, it was hedge who said that – I fell like this every time a hero that I found goes away. It's called empty nest syndrome. And I confess those two will be missed if they don't visit.

- We love you too, coach – laughs Percy – You too, Grover – he adds, feeling his friend's sadness thru the empathic link – We are going to see you all the time, so don't worry and...

His voice broke, then Annabeth continued:

- Anything you need, you just need to call us. Together until the end.

The couple pulled the other three into a group hug (Hedge grumbled a lot, but seemed happy to be included) until more visitors arrived on the booth.

The mortals that listened to the conversation didn't understood what was that about heroes, but they noticed that the man in the wheelchair must be a type of camp director e the other adult would be one of the coaches.

They also noticed that the bond between the couple and the two adults went way deeper than what was common between campers and instructors of a summer camp.

They were practically a family.

But why with the promotion would the couple run the risk of never seeing them again?

No one was able to explain that.

And no one knew how to explain why, the younger of the strangers, at the end of the fair, when the students were already dismantling their stands, said:

- What is this smell? 

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