The time when a new demigod is found

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Author's Note: idea of @BrunaGama1

- What is this smell? – Asks Grover, now that there was less people around, he could sense a different scent.

- It isn't a monster, is it? – Asks Percy, looking at his friend cautiously.

- This is not the scent of a monster – answers Coach Hedge – This is a demigods scent. Young, around 12-year-old. Does this school have middle school too?

- Yes – answered Annabeth – Although it's usually on another building, they are here today for the fair.

- Well, maybe would be better talk with their parents – said Chiron.

- We already finished tiding things up anyway – says turning to Grover and adding – Lead the way goat-boy.

The group walked around the halls of stalls that had been set up on the gym until they reached a stall with a red-haired girl and her dad.

The stall was full of plants and the dad was putting away a poster where it was written; "how can music influence plants development?"

The satyrs seem to like this theme.

- I'm sorry – said the girl, noticing their presence – But we are already tiding things up. – Then she seems to recognize Percy and Annabeth – Wait, you are the ones that sword fought using Greek armor on the talent show, aren't you? The ones that a lot of people say that are from the mafia?

So the rumors had reached middle school...

Her father dropped the banner.

- We can assure you that we are not mafia – Percy assures her – We just never contradicted they because we think the stories that they come up with are funny. I'm Percy, this is Annabeth, and these are Grover, Coach Hedge and Mr. Brunner, that are also part of the community.

The dad was now and the girl's side and put a hand on her shoulder saying:

- Lily, why don't you start to take things to the car?

- She looks at him weirdly and starts to protest, but he interrupts her calmly, saying that he just wanted to check something with the newcomers.

She doesn't look very happy, but agrees.

When she was not close enough to hear the conversation, the man said:

- I thought it would take longer until someone come to pick her up.

This catches the group by surprise.

- You can... - asks Grover.

- See thru the mist – adds the mortal – Yes. I knew this day was coming, but I was hoping it would take longer.

- Actually, mister...? – Percy starts saying.

- Call me Erick, no need of calling me mister – says the man.

-... Erick, me and Annabeth are also demigods, this three are here because they come to see our project.

- We didn't noticed her presence until the crowd thinned – admitted Chiron – and no one is going to take her away from you.

- She doesn't need to be a fulltime camper – informs Annabeth – Just like me and Percy aren't. We only go to camp during the vacations and some weekends, but it's not forever.

Eric's face filled with relief.

- I'm happy for knowing that - he paused – Can you introduce yourselves? I heard you introducing yourselves to Lily, but with your disguised, I only realized that you were from that word when she said something about Greek armors.

- Sorry by the lack of courtesy – says Chiron – I'm Chiron, this wheelchair allows me to walk in the mortal world without attracting attention. Yes, I'm the Chiron from the myths.

- I'm Grover, a satyr – says the younger goat-man.

- The name is Gleeson Hedge, also a satyr – says the older goat-man ("everybody calls him Coach Hedge" adds Percy).

- And we are Annabeth, daughter of Atena, and Percy, son of Poseidon – says the blond.

- I's nice to meet you – says Erick – Maybe you could tell me more about the camp later? On a more private place?

- Of course – Chiron agreed with ease.

It's on this moment that Lily comes back.

- Dad – she says, looking with curiosity to the group – Is everything fine?

Erick smiles and says:

- Do you remember that I said that one day you would met your mom's side of the family?

The girl's eyes widened, and she agreed.

- Well, they are part of the community that your mom is part of. Do you want to meet them next weekend?

Her eyes almost pop out off her head:

- Are you going to be with me? – her voice trembled a little.

Erick looked sad:

- This community doesn't really like outsiders, but...

He looked at the group searching for help.

- I will be with you during all the moments – says Percy – Ok? I will make sure nothing bad happens.

He lower himself so he would be on her high, put a hand on her shoulder and says:

- You are part of the family now and we take care of each other. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

The girl smiles and says:

- Did you just quoted Lilo and Stich? To try to calm me down?

Percy's eyes are warm when he answers:

- Did it work?

- She nods, still laughing.

If there was something that really relaxed Erick was seeing how good Percy was with children.

Different from the man, however, the mortals around overhearing Percy say that Lily was now part of the family, and the girl's dad talking about her mom's family, couldn't help but think that her mother was part of the same mafia that the most popular couple of school was.

And Lily, she realized that even if the rumors say something, the true could not be more different.

 A.N.: Guys, from today I will no longer post every Sunday. I'm tired of forcing myself to sit down and write when I'm not in the mood or creativity just to meet a deadline. My college is also getting harder and harder and I have less time, so I will only write when I have the time and desire. I'm not abandoning fanfics. I love writing and will try to keep writing often, it just won't be my priority. I hope you understand.

With love,


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