The time when Amphitrite shows herself to be an empowered woman

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The next school event was the professions day.

Parents or guardians of each students had to go to the school and explain their work to the students, to show them different kinds of job that they could work on the future.

Annabeth's dad was visiting the daughter in New York and was more than happy to participate, he was really trying to compensate for all the years when he neglected his daughter what lead her to run away from home.

Percy, however, new that his mom couldn't go to the event, because a medical appointment to check if everything was okay with the pregnancy and the baby . and Paul would be with her, so he would be able to go neither.

They tried to change the time of the appointment, but the doctors schedule was full and there was no other way.

So Percy was alone.

Well, actually, he was with Annabeth and her dad talking with Lily and her dad, that were sitting with them. She had spent the weekend on Camp Half-Blood and was claimed by Demeter, what wasn't a surprise, once she has a green finger and her dad is a botanist.

He wasn't ignorant that some students, especially Josh (John? Jonah? Half a year had passed, and Percy still didn't care on knowing his name), were noticing that he didn't had a guardian with him and were snickering.

These snickers stopped when a beautiful woman, wearing really fancy clothes walked in the auditorium and went to Percy, saying:

- Percy! Sorry for being late. Your dad was going to come too, but got himself stuck on an emergency meeting with the general.

The general was, of course, Delphin, god of the dolphins, but the mortals thought that she was talking about the general of the army.

- Stepmom! – Percy, smiled, he really liked her, and she treated him as her son. She was trying to get him to call her mom, or, at least, Amphi – I didn't knew you were coming.

She hugged him maternally.

- Of course we would come, sweety, there is not a place I'd rather be – she said, turning to Annabeth and her dad, saying – Annabeth! It's been a while since I last saw you, darling! Next time Percy comes to visit, come if him. You are always welcome. And you must be Frederick. It's nice to meet you.

- Thank you, Lady Amphitrite – said Annabeth with a smile – I will accept the invitation.

- It's nice to meet you, Lady – said Frederick, doing a little bow with his head.

Amphitrite also greeted Lily and her dad, and sat next to Percy and started to ask everything that had happened since the last time they had seen each other.

She had, of course, heard the snickers of that terrible boy. She knew what had happed on the first week of school and she would made a point that the "bad luck" with liquids would come back and lasted a few years.

The presentation started and Amphitrite thought fascinating. It was impressive seeing how humans organized themselves.

She discovered that the dad of that boy worked at a bank and his mother was a stay-home mom.

There was nothing wrong with the father's work nor with the mother's choice, of course, but Amphitrite is a queen and couldn't help but think that the trust the boy had on his daddy's money was unreasonable.

When finally her turn come, she and Percy went to the stage of the auditorium.

- Good afternoon, students, parents, guardians, and teachers – she started – My name is Amphitrite, sim, like the Greek goddess that is Poseidon's wife, I'm Percy's stepmother. My husband couldn't come today, but we work together, so I will talk for both of us.

She talked with the eloquence of an experienced speaker.

- You won't find our names on any search source, once we like to keep thinks discreet, but we are behind the biggest enterprises of maritime trade around the word.

She was saying a half-truth, the owners of this enterprises were descendants of Poseidon and of her own, that knew about the gods and always did the correct offerings.

- We are also behind plenty of actions to clean rivers, seas, and oceans and combating predatory fishing – she paused and looked directly to the terrible boy – Percy, together with his older siblings, is an heir of this business.

Her look softened and looked at the girls saying:

- But don't think that just because my husband and I work together, he has more power of decision than me. We make the decisions together and, on plenty of times, he follows what I think it's best. Having the power of deciding what to do with your live and give your own opinion is more important than any profession that exists. Remember that.

And with that she finished her speech and, together with her stepson (that smile of the bully's face), said goodbye and started to leave the stage so they could go back to their places.

Before she could completely leave the stage, however, most of the people on the room, (including males, females, non-binary, students, parents, and teachers) started to give her a standing ovation (Jonathan's parents were two of the firsts to get up, seams that they were not jerks like their kid).

Amphitrite smiled. She saw the bully sulking next to the wall after seeing his parents agreeing with her, and that only increased her satisfaction.

After that, the mafia theory returned with full power.

A super influent family that prefers to stay out of the spotlight?

It could only be mafia. 

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