30. Small Situation

Start from the beginning

"I might be wrong..." Reid muttered with a smirk. "But I have this weird feeling you may need food."

"Huh... Is that so?" I asked, and my stomach let out another unnatural groan.

"Yeah... Not sure why I'd think that..."

"That is odd."

"All right," Reid said, sat up, and patted my shoulder. "Let's get you something to eat."

"Sure," I said, and let him help me out of the bed.

We were still joking about the very embarrassing sounds my stomach was making when we stepped out of our room and made our way down the hallway, but when we stepped into the living room, we both stopped when we sensed the atmosphere.

Daz and his partners were there, and so were Keita and Chandler. They all sat on the couches and chairs in silence, but the TV wasn't on. Ash and Rio stared at a phone on the coffee table in front of them while Daz was typing a message on his phone by the window. Keita and Chandler both had serious expressions on their faces. They all were clearly waiting for something.

"What's going on?" Reid asked.

Most of them exchanged worried looks before they turned back to us.

"We have a, uh... bit of a small situation," Ash said quietly. "Captain and Nico had a... an argument."

"Oh..." Reid said with a frown. "What happened? I didn't hear anything."

"I heard most of it," Ash said. "Short version, Captain was being a dick about their relationship. Nico had enough of his bullshit and... Our leader got that bullshit thrown right back in his face."

"The longer version, please," Reid said.

"Well, at first, Nico was just upset because Captain keeps lying to us about his solo missions. You know, tried to tell him we're all worried sick and all that, but Captain wasn't listening, as usual," Ash said.

"Nico did say something about that this morning," I said. "He sounded really frustrated. And he was upset. And worried."

"You spoke with him?" Ash asked.

"Yeah. We both were up really early. He wasn't very happy about Captain's solo mission," I explained. "It didn't seem like he'd slept much last night."

"Yeah, we're all always worried, and that's what Nico tried to tell him. But then things kind of escalated."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well... Captain didn't let him know he was home already. He came to see you guys after he returned, but never told Nico about it. Nico tried to tell him that he wished Captain would've come to say hi to him first. And Captain..." Ash grimaced before he continued. "He got all... captain on him. Basically, he scolded Nico for feeling threatened by... uh..."

"Me," I guessed quietly. I sat back in my chair and let out a slow breath. "So... It's my fault they had a fight."

"What? No?" Ash said with a frown, but then it clearly clicked. "Oh! No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, not like that. No."

"It's not your fault at all," Reid said sternly. "Trust me. It's not. Not at all."

"It's not your fault, believe me. This whole thing has been brewing for a long time now. I've tried to talk to him about it again and again, but he just..." Daz said as well, and sat next to his partners. "I love him, but fuck me, he's..."

"Dense?" Rio offered.

"That," Daz said and sighed. "He's sabotaging his own happiness, but I don't understand why..."

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