Chapter 21

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Pov Roseanne Park

I felt my head throbbing once again as I walked through the hospital in slow, even steps, Anthony clinging to my body as if I might disappear at any moment.

Jennie managed to calm me down for a few minutes, but she had to pick up Lilly from her grandparents. More than five hours had passed.

- Hi. - Lisa's mother approached me, her eyes also swollen from crying. - Do you want me to stay with him so you can have something to eat? He's been up for hours.

- No thanks, he's still scared and he's not very intimate with you.

- I'm sorry about the day at your house, I know it wasn't a good way to start. - She was really sorry.

- Don't worry about it, the most important thing now is for Lisa to get well so we can arrange another day, we'd both be very happy if you two were part of his life.

- We let ourselves get carried away with the idea we already had in mind about her and Noah, but after what he did today. - She paused as if she couldn't remember the accident. - And now that you've been standing here for hours, I just want to say thank you for not leaving my daughter alone.

- Jisoo. - I was relieved to see her walk through the reception door.

- What's up? - Lisa's father asked anxiously.

- Everything went well. - I breathed a sigh of relief and hugged Anthony tightly in my arms. I started crying desperately again, but it was a cry of relief.

I was hugged by Lisa's mother, who stroked Anthony's hair too.

- How long before she wakes up? - I asked through my tears.

- We think it'll be a few hours, if you want to go home and have a shower and come back in a little while, who's going to stay with her?

- If you don't mind, I can stay. - I spoke to Lisa's parents, who looked at each other thinking.

- And what time is the next visit?

- Tomorrow morning, at 09:00.

- You can stay then, after all you're her wife. - I smiled at that word.

- I'll take Anthony back to the shelter, then I'll come back for the night.

- Okay, then we'll see what we can do about him, I can bring him here for you if he has to stay for a long time, it's good that Lisa is staying with him, it also helps with his recovery.

- Can you tell if there's been any damage to her brain?

- Unfortunately not, we won't know until she wakes up.

Anguish clenched my chest again, the thought that she was still at risk made me anxious.

- I'll take Anthony then. - I dried my tears. - Thank you.

Jisoo hugged me tightly for a few minutes, then did the same with Anthony, who was completely down, and of course he understood what had happened.

I said goodbye to Lisa's parents and took a cab to the shelter. When I arrived, the tears returned to my face as I saw the damage the crash had done, there was glass scattered everywhere, it was like reliving a nightmare.

I updated Sarah on the information and then took Anthony to his room, but he wouldn't let me go.

- Take me. - He asked in a low voice while I stroked his hair. Anthony was lying on my lap hugging my waist.

- I need to take care of Mom now, my love, I promise I'll come and get you so you can see her, do you understand that I can't leave her alone?

Anthony didn't answer, instead he started to cry, which completely destroyed me, I'd never seen him so bad like that.

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