Chapter 3

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Narrator Pov

Rose heard the alarm clock go off and refused to open her eyes. She had barely slept the night before after hearing Lisa's news.

Sarah, the woman who had seen them both the day they had taken Anthony to the shelter, had informed Lisa that he was no longer eating, let alone interacting with his favorite friends as before.

- Honey, you have to get up. - Rose heard Suzy say, still clinging to his body.

- I'm just going to sleep for a little while. - She replied, reaching under the covers for Suzy's arm and then interlacing their fingers.

- You're going to be late again, I'm worried you've been up all night.

Suzy was Rose's girlfriend. The two had met at college and were in the same journalism class, but only got closer at the end of the semester. Suzy was a beautiful and charming girl, which caught Rose's attention.

It was she who approached Suzy on a college date night, the two started chatting about their favorite subjects. Rose turned the conversation to more personal things and discovered that she also liked women, decided to try a kiss and succeeded.

They had been dating for a year and Rose was completely in love with her girl in every possible way.

She didn't know what his reaction would be to the fact that another woman was involved with her, but she knew that one day she would have to tell him because Suzy was already noticing the changes in her routine.

Like when she took Anthony home and canceled the dinner the two had arranged, Rose and Suzy lived alone in their apartment.

Suzy hated sleeping alone and that night she was very upset with Rose for canceling, but she managed to get around it.

- Don't worry, everything's fine, I've just been thinking too much about work. - Rose hated lying to her girlfriend, but she was in a very difficult situation to explain at the moment. - I think I'll get up now before I sleep until tomorrow. - The redhead said, hearing her girlfriend's laughter.

Rose got up against her will, looking around the bed for her shirt. Suzy lifted it into the air and Rose caught it.

A few minutes later, she was already showered, combed her wet hair and, while still in the bathroom, opened the messages on her cell phone.

Lisa: Can we go to the shelter today, I'm worried about Anthony.

Rose twisted her lip remembering that she had arranged to go out with Suzy, it was Friday and they both wanted to do something together, but her concern for Anthony was speaking a thousand times louder.

Rose: Sure, let's go, give me the time, can you pick me up from work?

She sent the message and turned her attention to her hair, combing it. She left the bathroom and went into the kitchen to make them both some coffee. Suzy hadn't found a job yet, she supported herself on the money her parents sent her every month.

Rose started preparing the coffee and the smell invaded the apartment, which drew Suzy into the kitchen. She approached Rose from behind and kissed her neck, making her laugh.

- Can you get my cell phone from the bathroom? I forgot it there. - Rose said as she put the separate scrambled eggs on the plate.

Suzy soon returned with her cell phone in hand, but she was completely silent as she stared at Rose over her eyes.

- Did you find it? - The redhead still kept her attention on the coffee she was making, but stared at Suzy when she realized she hadn't received an answer.

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