chapter 31*

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One being

Warning this chapter contains scenes of a sexual nature hehehe

Nia pov

Enzo straightened us up with his hands on my hips.  I looked up at him . My breasts were pressed against his hard chest

"Falling in love ? " I whispered not sure how I felt by his sudden confession

"Nia I- " but he couldn't finish what he said because I was drawn out of his arms into Felipe's

"Mami ! I didn't know you could dance like that " he hugged me lifting me up a little. My wet clothes sticking to him a bit

As much as I enjoyed Felipe's company and I loved his company my mind was on the man that thought he was falling in love with me .

I tried to.excuse myself from Felipe but he took my hand and dragged me to the bar and I was left turning and looking back at Enzo who's jaw ticked at me being pulled away from him. 


It's been an hour of Felipe taking my ear off at the bar until Enzo deemed it was enough

" I think Nia and i should get going Felipe " his deep voice speaking over Felipe's chatter

"But me and mami-" he didn't continue speaking due to the glare Enzo sent his way.

Huffing out a sigh of defeat Felipe drew me into his arms and hugged me goodbye

In a second Enzo took my hand into his.  Intertwining our fingers leading us out of the club to his car .

The car ride was silent I put my head on the window.  Staring out at the city as we drove by while also trying to think of how I felt about the man who sat next to me .

We arrived at the house still silent and I decided to walk up the stairs to my room with Meadow but as my heel took the first step I was turned around and enzos arms were around my waist in an instant. 

" I love you " he rasped looking down at me
" what ?" I said not in confusion but a bit of disbelief
" I don't think I'm falling in love with you.  I know I love you " his deep voice sending chills through out my body

"And I wanna scream it on the rooftops and tell everyone who's passing by on the street that I'm in love with a strong ,beautiful , kind hearted women who makes me wanna be more . Who makes me want to be better only for her. When you look at me it's like a shot of espresso is injected into my veins . Your smile makes me want to tattoo it into my brain forever . To remember forever . And I want to kiss you everytime I see you , everytime I blink , everytime I take a breath of your sweet vanilla perfume because I'm in love with you , Nia Johnson.  I'm in love with you " he spoke and as he spoke he unconsciously took my hand and placed it on the left side of his chest where his heart was .

A tear slid out of my eye
" I'm scared Enzo " I croaked "I've been so hurt and that was someone that I didn't even love . I don't wanna be hurt again and I don't wanna subject my child to that much pain "

He ran his hands through his hair groaning before looking at my and taking both my hands in his .

" I don't want you to be scared . In feared enough by being a whole mafia don but if there's people I never want to be afraid of me it's you and Meadow " his words were crawling their way into my heart

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