Chapter 2

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Dimitri pov

I know what you're thinking. But I couldn't tell her the truth. She would want to get away. Leave me. Quit her job at the club And the thought of not ever seeing her or being around her made me sick to my stomach.

Her eyebrows arched up at me

"you're wife?"
"Yes" I said stoiticly in order for her to believe me
"how long have we been married?"
"3 months now"
" why don't I have a ring then?" she asked as if she just caught me on my lie
" you lost it last night at our club when the explosion happened"

Her eyes widened and she tried to sit up but bit her lip in pain. I stood up immediately and tried to lay her gently on the bed but I immediately stopped when I saw red on the sheets and pillow. Looking at her back she had 2nd degree burns from the explosion. The fabric of her shirt at the back was hanging on by a thread. And the bandage around her head was bleeding as well

I carefully picked her up and she immediately wrapped her arms around my neck as I took her to the west wing ,  Where the medical wing was located. I buzzed in my nurses so they could immediately attend to her.

I would attend to her wounds myself but I'm pretty sure she's still wrapping her head around being married to me.

As soon as the nurses vacated her room. I dragged a chair from thr corner of the room and sat next to her bedside. She was asleep. The sun shone on her skin and she looked ethereal, luminous but either way she was in pain. She was hurt because of her association with me. That thought alone pained me and sent a painful chill to my bones.

If those roaches weren't already dead I'd kill them over and over again until I was satisfied .

A thought suddenly came to me and I reached out my hand in hesitance not sure if I was allowed to touch her. But I did tell her she was my wife so I think holding her hand should be OK.

The fact that I overthinked and crazed over holding a women's hand should tell you that I was not used to intimacy. But I wanted it with her. Only her .

I bit the bullet and I decided to hold her. Threading our fingers together. The contrast between our skin tones seemed perfect to me. The warmth of her hand provided an instant comfort. This felt nice. Well I don't know if nice is a good word for it. I don't know what I was feeling currently was indescribable. But I didn't want it to stop. I didn't want to let go. I wanted to sew our hands together so I could always feel this way. I didn't even realise I fell asleep. But I guess I did . Maybe it was the serenity of the mountains that surrounded my home, or the deep breathes she took in her slumber either way I slept. Dare I say it was the best sleep I've ever had in a long time


I woke with delicate hands trailing through my hair. Massaging my scalp occasionally. While the other held my cheek rubbing a thumb back and forth occasionally . I opened my eyes to find her deep brown  eyes staring back at me.

Straightening , my back screamed due to the position I was sleeping in. With my head and fore arms on her bed and the rest of me on the chair

" you're awake" I say while clearing my throat
She nodded her head and continued to stare at me

"Do I have something on my face?" I said swiping away at my mouth region. In case I embarrassed myself in any way

She smiled slightly and shook her head

"I'm trying to figure out why we got married cause hell im kinda not sure if that's a decision I'd make even if I had all my memories" she said with a light chuckle

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