chapter 28

416 31 9

You $#%!!!

Nia pov

I stepped out of the elevator with a grin plastered on my face

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I stepped out of the elevator with a grin plastered on my face . I was scared to fall in love with Enzo.  Not that I was I love with him , not yet gurl . But I could the butterflies . Thinking about what we did in his office. But I had to guard my heart , I had a child to protect and I was still looking over my shoulder. 

Putting my purse on my desk I took the coffees I had gotten from the Cafe across the street and stepped into Enzo office .

His eyes lifted up from his computer and I smile formed on his lips

" good morning Tesoro "

" good morning Enzo " I said placing the coffee on his desk . Rounding the desk I put my weight on the edge of his desk while he sat down next to me .

Looking up at me with his hazel eyes "you're too far Tesoro " placing his hand on my waist he brought me down into his lap

" much better " his minty breath fanning  across my neck causing my cheeks to heat

" Enzo anyone could walk in right now " I say trying to stand up only for him to wrap his arm firmly around my waist . His teeth grazing my ear lobe

"So tell them you're my mine " shivers ran down my spine as I looked back at him . Our lips were about to touch when the door opened

Both of us turning to the door there stood a man with a buzz cut and tattoos that reached up to his neck . Deep brown eyes. He stood around Enzo's height of 6'4 towering over my 5'6 .

Pulling me up and placing my body next to him Enzo stood up his hand resting on my stomach

"Buongiorno Santi " Enzo rasped
" Buongiorno " the man known as Santi I presume smiled

Enzo looked down at me beaming , I've never seen him smile that much  . "Tesoro this is my right hand man and best friend Santiago "

I extended my hand to Santiago which he shook in a firm grip

" nice to meet you principessa" he rasped having a deep voice and almost as attractive as Enzo  I said with a smile .

Santiago looked at Enzo his demeanor changing a bit

"Enzo è stato convocato un incontro verso il centro della città. tutti i professori saranno presenti nella prossima ora" enzo a meeting has been called towards the center of the city . all the dons will be attending in the next hour

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