Chapter 7

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TW : this scene contains scenes of abuse and violence that may be uncomfortable for some to read


The anger that burst out of his eyes was something I'd never seen before . His hands were visibly shaking . Taking a risk I stepped closer to a him but with caution . Holding my hands out I tried to speak and in that moment I don't know what happened

The next thing that I realised was that I was on the floor and my cheek stung . It was blazing hot . I touched it in disbelief only causing it to sting even more . I looked up at him and a tear involuntarily left my eye .

His hands were still shaking . His eyes had a far away look . As if his mind wasn't here . Suddenly he abruptly pulled me off the floor by my forearm then he pinned me against the stainless steel fridge by my throat . All the air leaving my lungs

" after everything I've done to keep you here with me and you do this to me . You didn't mean any of it yesterday did you ?"

Upon asking the question he squeezed his hand tighter . Grasping and clawing at his hand had no use . He was too strong . Tears were falling out my eyes . Any tighter would be the end of me .

In that moment he let go of me letting me drop to the floor to my knees . Rubbing my throat I tried to breath in all of the air that I could but it wasn't long before he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me out of the kitchen .

His hold was so tight it was ripping out a few strands . I kicked and twisted but he wouldn't let go. I scraped at his hands and screamed but he wouldn't let go . I looked at his guards but they all stood stoically. Others looking away from me . The betrayal stabbed at my heart .

He dragged me down the stairs heading towards a basement I never knew of . Each stair connecting with my back in agony . At the bottom step he flung me across the room . My elbow connecting with the concrete . The blow knocking it out of place . I cried out in pain rolling to my side .

" oh does it hurt ? I bet it doesn't hurt as much as my heart when I found you kissing my brother "

He clutched my hair and bashed my head into the concrete floor . My vision instantly become hazy .

"DOES IT HURT ?! HUH" he said screaming into my ear

He stood up and kicked at me repeatedly. Mainly my ribs and my stomach. Bones crackled under his force . Kicking later turned to stomping . I couldn't register the pain he was causing me. The blow to my head was sending me in and out of it .

For a moment I thought he stopped. But I felt him crouch down next to me .

" you're mine . Mine forever "
I felt him tearing at the shirt I wore . I had no power to fight him off . But the pain that flowed through me next was the most excruciating.

A sharp object , maybe a knife was trailing and piercing my skin in a certain pattern. Until I realised.

D .

It was the letter D .

He was staking his claim that on me like an animal marking its territory. In that moment I looked for a distraction . I didn't want to think of the pain or what he was doing to me as he crouched

I looked around but there was nothing in this torture chamber. That's when I noticed his shoes . DI . I've seen those before . The harder I tried to remember the more energy was sucked out of me . It wasn't long until a wave of darkness over took me


In my slumber , vivid images of my past came to me . I saw my bloody hands and his shoes in this very room . I saw handing him and Aleksandr drinks . I saw the club with the dancers that hung from the ceiling . I saw the explosion that had flames burst in front of my eyes . I saw a women who looked like me standing by the stove cooking and laughing . My... my mother . I heard myself calling him boss numerous times .

I remembered everything.

I didn't know how long I have been out for . But opening my eyes had been such task but I did it . My whole body was in extreme pain . I used my right hand with the elbow still in good shape to straighten myself and push my body towards the wall so I could lean against it

I sat in silence before the tears flowed out of my eyes . Looking down at the mark he'd given me on my stomach, with dried blood surrounding it . Bruises littered my legs as well as scrapes and cuts .My elbow seemed like it was caved in . Like it was in the wrong direction.

He did this to me . He didn't even want to listen to me . In his eyes I was a liar , a cheat , a whore that got with both him and his brother. The thought of it alone caused me to sob . Until I hiccuped . This was all Aleksandr's fault . I don't even know if he was trying to prove that his brother is a monster . But was it worth the pain I was feeling currently?

The thought of everything he did to me caused fluid to rush up and clog my throat. I leaned over to my side and puked . Releasing a yellow orange liquid . When finished I used my good arm to scoot myself away from the vomit and sat up against the wall . Staring into the darkness that filled the room until I slept.


I woke up to a stinging sensation across my stomach. I opened my eyes to find him crouched in front of me with a cotton ball and an anti-septic . Disinfecting and removing all the blood around the wound on my stomach

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to . I don't know ... I was angry I'm sorry , I'm sorry " he said with a tone of regret but I couldn't care less . The pain he's caused me would be erased by a sorry . Forgiveness was something unattainable for him.

" we're not married are we?"

The question stilled him . He paused as if he tried to come up with something
" don't even try to lie , I remember everything "

He stayed silent

" you lied to me for weeks and i would've considered forgiving you but the moment your brother throws himself at me you try to kill me . Bravo motherfucker"

He turned to look at me at the mention of his brothers actions
" Aleksandr would never do that " he said with uncertainty

" but he did . You didn't even give me a second to explain it to you . And you say you love me ? You don't love me . You're obsessed. You're a psychopath . YOU'RE DAMN SICK DIMITRI "

The second I said that his knuckles connected with my forehead and it was lights out for me


Hello tiggers. This was such a hectic scene to write . I did shed a little tear . Do tell me what you think ?
And I'll see you in chapter 8

Much love

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