Chapter 13: Arlong's Torture

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Buggy grunted while Alrong squeezed the back on his neck giving him pain.

"This torture is your punishment. You touched my property."

Buggy gritted his teeth shaking.

Arlong stepped on his back and Buggy couldn't move. Arlong smirked seeing how weak he was. He then grabbed his arm and bend it back hard making Buggy screamed out in pain. Tears streamed down his face.

Arlong laughed and grabbed him by his hair and yanked his head up to face him. Buggy frowned so he spit in his face. Arlong frowned slamming his face in the dirt. He then crushed his head slowly with his foot.

Buggy groaned in pain. He couldn't scream as the dirt was suffocating him.

"Arlong, be careful you don't kill him. Remember you need him alive. But if you want to make him suffer then.....why not take him apart?" Kurobi suggested with a smirk.

"Yeah," Pisaro laughed, "wait for his powers to come back and then we pull him apart before he can fight us. Then we just keep his parts separated."

Buggy shivered when they said that. But then he heard Lydia's voice. He then realized his ear was still missing. She was talking to someone planning to save him and ambush Arlong. But it wouldn't be fast enough.

Arlong smirked at the idea, "fine," he grabbed Buggy by the back of his neck and pulled him up.

Buggy coughed and tried to spit out the dirt that was in his mouth. He was so angry that he was helpless to stop this. He wanted to make Arlong pay, but knew he wouldn't stand a chance with what they were planning for him. He hoped Lydia would make it in time to save him, but he also didn't want her falling into Arlong's trap either.

Arlong then dragged him into the torture room and chained him up. "Watch him once he dries up, let me know!"

The rest of the crew nodded.

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