Chapter 9: The Kingdom

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Lydia turned to him and nod, "of course. And when I do, we will get off of the island." She then dived into the water with the fish.

The fish, Nemo and Flounder led her deep into the ocean. They passed by an under water city and kingdom that looked abandoned. She suspected this had to be her old home. It was nothing, but ruins now. Soon they came to the fish town. Flounder then knocked on a fish's door and turned to Lydia, "we must freshen you up, your highness."

"WHO'S THERE!" A female crab cried out opening her door.

"Mrs Crabs....weve brought somebody very special to meet you...," Flounder said.

"Yeah, she's the lost princess. She's back now!" Nemo cried happily.

"Ooo the princess!?" The female crab came down and smiled at Lydia, "Princess Lydia."

"She needs freshening up, to look like a princess" Flounder said naively

"Flounder! The princess is pretty as she is."

"But the towns fish may not recognize her," Mrs Crabs smiled so she led Lydia to a big room and pushed her into a bathtub. She was shocked.

Some sea monkeys came by Mrs Crabs calling them and scrubbed her good and clean.

Once clean they gave her a fancy white button shirt and a black vest. They combed her hair smoothly, and made her eyelashes larger with makeup and eyeshadow.

"We will have you washed up and dried, and you will bring honor to us all," Mrs Crabs sang, "oh crap, no copyright here."

(I had to for that joke, btw it's the song from Mulan incase anyone wonders)

"and then maybe a prince will fall in love with her, and he'll get merman powers, and we'll have a new king and queen of the underwater kingdom!" Flounder was saying excitedly

Nemo looked at him doubtful, "that's fairytale stuff, silly."

Lydia blushed at them both.

"Now you can't blow this for the ceremony," Mrs Crabs smiled.

Soon there was a march out on the streets of the fish town and everyone cheered seeing the princess. Lydia felt she was definitely important now and waved at all the fish folk.

Many types of every kind of fish were there to cheer and wave to her. They all looked so happy to have her return.

Once she was at the front of the town a seahorse with a crown held a trumpet and blew it with the other seahorses.

"Introducing, her majesty, our soon to be Queen of land or sea, Princess Lydia of Mermaids."

Lydia stepped forward and all the fishes and sea creatures cheered and clapped for her. Lydia was so happy.

"Your highness, if there is anything you want, you name it...," the sea horse smiled.

Lydia then dropped her smile remembering Buggy. She looked up at everyone, "There is someone I love very dearly and needs help. He's been captured by a mutant."

"A mutant!?" They all gasped.

" friend needs our help. And possibly humans too. He's a pirate and my...the one I want to live the rest of my life with...he needs please... can you all help me?"

The fish folk looked scared, but then Nemo who just a little clownfish, also an orphan came to her, "I will. I may have a tiny fin, but I can totally help."

Flounder then came to her, "and so will I."

"And as a general and chief than just a king, I will most certainly work by your side, your highness," the sea horse king replied."Anymore takers?"

No one stood up.

"I do understand you are afraid and my job is to protect you, but Captain Buggy—"

"Buggy?!" Everyone asked. The name must've been familiar to the waters.

"You don't mean the clown, your highness," the seahorse said.

"...I do. He isn't dangerous, honest."

"....he took hostages and destroyed Orange town," the seahorse said.

"....but....he didn't kill anyone," Flounder then pointed out, "....really bad pirates kill people. He just wanted people to watch his show."

"....yeah," Nemo agreed, "I think he just wants people to like him, because humans are dumb and are afraid of clowns, so nobody likes him."

The seahorse sighed, "... your majesty....does helping Buggy D. Clown really mean that much to you?"

"Of course, he saved me from a marriage...Arlong...he...made me marry him and Buggy saved me from that. He and I had been friends since we were kids. He would do anything for me and I would do anything for him..."

"A marriage? To Arlong? How did he possibly save you from that?" The seahorse asked, "in the East blue, a marriage is binding unless...," he then stopped, ".....oh, um, no matter."

"If he saved our princess, then it's our duty to save him!" Flounder stated.

Lydia nodded tearing up.

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