Chapter 5: You Did Keep Your Promise

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He then grinned widely, thinking of his clown persona reputation, "that I'm the genius jester? The flashy fool? That I'm going to be king of the pirates? Yeah. They're all true."

" use people, you lie, you waste your money you get on booze and harlots...was...Lydia...gonna be one of them? I overheard Arlong told her every night about you saying those things to her....," Lydia had to know if her best friend would do this. She hope he wasn't any of those things.

He frowned again, then raised an eyebrow, "I don't waste ALL my money on rum, but it's true I like to drink it sometimes. I don't agree with paying harlots, if you can't attract a woman naturally then you should never pay for sexual favors. And lastly, no. Lydia was my dearest friend. I would never disrespect her like that."

"...did you really promised her you come for her...and kept the promise to take her away from the village? Because she was starting to doubt everything because of Arlong...," she was starting to choke on her tears.

"Yes I did promise her that, but....I didn't get my own crew until I was 18, then I had to search for the village which I couldn't remember the name took me years and....I guess I was too late. But I will keep searching for her, so long as she's alive."

" don't have to...," she looked down.

"Why?" he lifted her chin to look at her, ".... she isn' she?"

"'re looking at her...," she teared up looking straight into his green eyes.

He drew back from her in shock. His long eyelashes blinking, ".....Lyds? Is that really you? Oh my god you look.....different. You got taller and...." his words trailed off as he continued to stare at her in awe. But she also looked weaker. She didn't look brave or strong like how he remembered her. She even looked skinner probably due to Arlong not feeding her and mostly raping her.

Lydia dropped her head down and broke down again. Buggy pulled her into his arms and held her comfortingly, "'ll be alright, baby, I gotcha. I'm here now. You'll get through this, I promise."

"He hurt me...he wouldn't stop...he said so many bad things about make me forget...," she sobbed uncontrollably griping on Buggy tightly. "And he killed them! He killed my family!" She cried out in agony. "NO! Oh god!! No!!!"

"Ssshhh I know, Lydia, baby....I know. I'm
so sorry," he tightened his arms around her and gently held her head against his chest as she sobbed into his vest shirt. He brushed his fingers through her hair to help calm her down.

After a long time, she finally calm down. She looked up at Buggy seeing it really was him. "Bug...," she teared up again, but they were happy ones this time. She cupped his face and kissed his nose.

"Lyds....," He smiled slightly and took out her bracelet and gently slipped it on to her wrist, "friends forever and always."

She smiled and nodded, "best friends always and captain...," she looked into his eyes feeling strange. Over the years she felt she was mourning Buggy more than a friend. Now seeing him again. She felt funny. It wasn't bad, but she wasn't sure if it was felt confusing. As if...she wanted to kiss him.

It had been so many years that had gone by though, Buggy was now a grown man. He even had a slight dusting of stubble on his jaw she noticed, another sign of his manliness. And of course he had noticed the change in her too, but he was mostly preoccupied with getting her looking healthy again. She seemed so frail and thin and.....not like his Lydia, the Lydia he remembered. But he vowed to himself that he would help fix her. She kept him fed once when he'd barely eaten, her family had given him love and attention. Now he could repay her by showing her comfort and care.

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