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"And then you and Margol here put out the fire?"

Elder Jalil verified and Kyle quickly nodded. He, Margol, Jalil and Haren, both of them the elders of their villages, and Rangil and Grake were now in the privacy of Grake's home, listening to Kyle's explanation.

Kyle strained his ears but couldn't hear the little human crying anymore. He was completely quiet in the barn where Rangil sent him off to wait until the grown-ups finished talking. Hearing the Human cry had been unnerving, like if he was a meowling wild cat, even though he obviously tried hard to stop.

Most of the villagers from the celebration already said their goodbyes and left with those of the visitors, who decided to stay somewhere else for their time of their visit. Everyone was gossiping more stories about the little Human's magic and his deeds while living here in the village with them.

Elder Jalil nodded slightly to Kyle and looked at him sternly.

"You and Margol did well to put out the fire. It could have been very dangerous for us all if it spread. But you should not have encouraged their young mage to use his magic when you already knew that he was forbidden to do so. And you, Margol, were supposed to watch over your brother, not leave him alone. As such, all five of you will have to share a punishment. Extra chores for all of you for two weeks, starting today."

"I know. That would be fair." Kyle dropped his gaze. Margol on the other hand barely managed to stifle a protest and angrily looked away, not daring to complain in front of the two elders watching him.

"You are not to leave the village grounds for the entirety of the time of our visit here. And you are not to encourage Hero to use his magic again. While here, you will also help with any chores that their uncle will give them."

Jalil gestured to resentful Margol and Kyle quickly nodded, relieved. Additional chores was something he often did at home already whenever he got in trouble. It was just never this big, so he really had not known what to expect when he attempted to claim the entire fault for what happened upon himself.

"Now go and take dinner to him. Make sure he is all right." Elder Jalil directed and Kyle and Margol gladly left the house.

As soon as Kyle closed the door, the other child huffed and went to the table, grabbing some bread from one of the bowls. Kyle felt bad. Because of him and Jin, not only Hero got in trouble, but his older brothers did so, too. Apparently, they already were charged to watch over their little brother to make sure that other children did not goad him into trouble as they sometimes did. Kyle and Jin were not the only children who were curious about the little Human's magic.

Kyle attempted to give Margol an apologetic smile, hoping to speak to him and apologize, but the other child ignored it, walking past him with a frown on his face as he carried some bread to the barn where the little Human lived because of his dangerous magic. Tnul immediately ran after him. Just a short moment later, they both left the barn again and went to the group of friends waiting for them, who were looking at Kyle and Jin curiously from a distance.

Feeling very uncomfortable, Kyle smiled at them, too. The children only watched him and then, talking between themselves, all left to the village together in a big group.

"Their eyes are so big..."

"And their clothes are different..."

Kyle heard a couple of comments of them murmuring and hastily looked at his own clothes. He didn't see anything special about his clothes. They only had a slightly different decorative pattern that was sewn into the edges of his coat and sleeves, now singed heavily when he used it to put out the fire. It was just dirty, not different! Kyle also felt his eyes and didn't feel anything special. They were the same vibrant green as their own.

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